
Kintamani regecy is one of the region in bali, has many beautiful places. i took this photo when stay in Sunrisehill camp, unique camping in bali with batur mount view and batur lake view :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Hi @Kadekmega23 Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

What a beautiful mountain view. thanks for sharing with us.

It will be awesome if you tell us more about this place and when best is to visit.

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Looking forward to learn from you.


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Dear @Kadekmega23 hope you are fine. Many many thanks for your post. And your Both photos are really outstanding, especially First one. What a mountain view!

If you write something more then your post will me more colorful.

Thanks for share with us.

If you have free time you can read my last post. I hope you like it.

Greetings from Bangladesh.

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Hai, Kak @Kadekmega23 .

Menarik sekali lokasi kempingnya! Sepertinya adeeeemmmmm… banget.

Btw jika tidak keberatan, bisakah diceritakan seperti apa pengalaman Kak @Kadekmega23 ketika kemping di tempat ini? Adakah pengalaman yang tak terlupakan? Apakah pengunjung mesti membawa tenda dan peralatan kemping sendiri? Pun sepopuler apa, sih, tempat ini?

Terima kasih sudah berbagi. Foto-fotonya bagus sekali. Ada fotografernya, kah? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Kadekmega23 ,

Welcome to Connect!

As a tip, I would like to suggest when posting on the Travel board always try to provide more details including personal suggestions, unique experiences, and special moments. This will help other Local Guides learn more about the places you decide to share. For more information, you may read How to tell a story through your photography.

By the way, I’ve noticed that your post has an Indonesian language label. Please note that I’ve removed it as your post is written in English.

To learn more about those labels I recommend you to take a look at the following article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

P.S.: Don’t forget to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself - January 2021 thread.