Sunday travel

Sunday travel

View from Vashi bridge


Hi @PapiaMandal lovely view, this might be better in the photography topic unless you’d like to expand your post to tell us about this place, how you found it and why you like it?

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Hi @PapiaMandal ,

Thank you for sharing your photo! I hope you had a great Sunday. Is it a lake or river?

Keep in mind that a detailed post will interest more Local Guides. That way you can receive more comments. In What makes a good post? topic you’ll find some great tips. Furthermore, posts with more content and good photos have a good chance of being featured or chosen for a Friday Favorite post.

Looking forward for more details :).

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Sunday was great @VasT

On Saturday I was traveling from nerul station to Kurla station by train and took some photos from train for Vashi bridge and Vashi river and some other places.I think this photos are beautiful and people’s need to know this place.

Thanks and regards

Papia from Navi Mumbai, India

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Click so beautiful pictures thanks for sharing with people