SUGARCANE Restaurant Review

Driving down Ologun Agbaje Street off the popular Adeola Odeku Street in Victoria Island Lagos, it looks like the regular office areas on the island. Quiet and serene. But just before the street ends on the left sits the white building that houses the Sugarcane Restaurant.

Parking was relatively easy. There was a Valet service even though I hardly saw the need for it beyond the security of the vehicles. That though is negated by the fact that the valet card had the caveat all vehicles are parked at owners risk…

For the rest of the review, follow this link


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Thank you very much for your detailed review. I’m glad you had a good time in this restaurant. It would be great if you rate it also on Google Maps, so that future customers will know what to expect.

Awesome looking restaurant @Adetoyeseb :+1: