Hello Local Guides
Today is a great day for all of us who love adding streets to Google Maps.
All those who are very active in this activity, and in particular all those who participate in the TRAC campaign promoted by @SholaIB , will surely have noticed that, with the increase in participants, the risk of having roads rejected because they are duplicates becomes increasingly higher.
Until now it was not possible to know if someone else was adding roads in the same area.
This resulted in a great waste of time for those mapping the streets, and of results for Google Maps.
But from today things have changed, and now we can also see the edits made by others.
It was with great surprise that upon returning to an area I wanted to complete I saw before me an intricate network of roads awaiting approval. Hovering over it with the mouse the following message popped-up: “Submitted on Mar 254, 2024, by Someone Else”
A long sequence of edits that I personally disapprove of for technical reasons, but very useful to know that there is no point in wasting time adding my edits in the same area.
The fact that they have been pending for two months makes me think that they will probably not be approved, and I will wait until June 26th to verify and possibly complete the work. But I find this information very useful and important to avoid wasting time and overlapping our Roader’s activity.
What do the most active Roaders say? Have you already noticed this improvement?
@Lukas_1 , @MarcoDavoli , @JustJake , @TerryPG ?
EDIT: also makes sure to read: Handle with care: Changes in the Road Editor and how to handle them Where all the recent changes are summarized