The Badge says I only have 4/5 reviews over 200 characters but I have way more that that. I have added new 200 character reviews numerous times in the last 2 months and it will not change.
Welcome on board to connect and pleased to meet you here. Thank you for logging in your complaints here. Although you could have posted it on the “How tos” Board rather than “achievement”
I have just viewed your profile in incognito mode now and it’s okay as far as I can see. You have 599 reviews public so that’s alot. Wonder will @ErmesT please help us out here. Thank you.
As Shola said, your post would fit better in How Tos, where the Local Guides write for receiving help. You can move it by yourself, following the steps mentioned in
I moved this post to the “How-Tos”. As for dup reviews, Craft House Pizza is part of the Hometown Brewing Company. I think there use to be 2 owners but now there is one? Regardless, I deleted the Craft House Pizza review. As for still being a novice, I tried the “cold restart” with no luck. I cannot uninstall the App because it is part of the OS on my Pixel 5. I did however remove all the “updates” and forced it back to stock. Then I updated it through Google Play and nothing again happened. I still cannot get the next badge.
Reviews are all about helping other Maps users. I noticed one of your reviews of a Gas station. Your review text was “Gas”. Generally, I would suggest you aim to include a bit more text that details your experience and “proves” you have been there.
I can confirm from your public profile that you currently have added 607 reviews and only 598 of them are public. That could be part of your issue.
Google has automatic filters that hide your reviews so only you can see them. This can happen when some of your reviews violate the guidelines, including: Prohibited and Restricted Content Format Specific Criteria (See under Text Reviews and Captions)
Read about typical review guideline violations here.
If you want to identify which of your reviews are hidden please see this post.
I deleted the first hidden review, but then I started to wonder why these reviews were hidden. Here are the 8 I did not delete, don’t understand how these could violate the guidelines. And if these reviews are issues, maybe I should not be doing any reviews.
The answer is: Yes, at least some of them are violating the rules. You can find the explanation by clicking on the question mark that is over the reviews in every profile and in every Listing.
Scrolling down the page you will reach this chapter: “Gibberish & repetitive content”, where you will read "We don’t allow the posting of repetitive content or gibberish on Google Maps because it dilutes useful information Google Maps provides its users.
This includes:
Posting the same content multiple times or posting content for the same place from multiple accounts."
At least five of the 7 reviews shared here have repetitive content:
[Nice] clean store with helpful employees - Repeated 3 times
Really cool spot with beautiful views - Repeated 2 times
I can also find some repeated reviews in you publicly profile, so my feeling is that more reviews will be hidden.
Same for declaring that Home depot “It is a home Depot. They have hammer”. Do you really consider this a review?
As you can see, a review that is not helpful should be reported
Yet, now both of these looks like “Gibberish & repetitive content” and “not helpful” according to your answer below.
When I pull up to a Home Depot, I want to know if it is clean inside and if the people are helpful I already know what they are selling. I will stop providing this information as it apparently is not useful to people. I am going to try to review some of your reviews to hopefully understand how an expert does it. Regardless of all of this, I do not see why I cannot get the next badge. But thanks for the insight, it has made me want to continue helping the community.
p.s. I removed the Home Depot review as it was written when I was getting tired of not being able to get a stupid expert badge.
Thanks for the feedback, @stoces . I can understand that you don’t like the tone, but sometimes going straight to the point can help. Sorry about that, in any case, as I didn’t wanted to be rude.
In any case I agree that according to the number of visible 200+ characters reviews you should have the Reviewer badge, so I am tagging @InaS for a check of your profile.
Why long reviews are considered helpful? I asked this to myself many times, then I realized that, when I want to visit a place, I like to read the experience of other people, before to go. So of course it is interesting to know that a place is clean, and I love to know about service, waiting time, quality of products. For this reason, when I write a review I ask to myself “what would I like to read, about this place”?
Honestly I don’t trust too much likes, even if I have a bit less than 1000 likes in my reviews.
The Screenshot you shared is nice and interesting. You gave it 3 stars and the owner was happy. If I were the owner, I would have asked “what can I do to improve and get you to raise your stars”? Don’t you agree?
Because if you write “nice and clean hotel” but you give 3 stars only, it means that it was a “nice and clean hotel, but …”, don’t you agree? That last part (but …) is what can help the business to improve. That’s why the reviews longer than 200 characters are described in the badge as “helpful”
I tend to think 3 stars is meets requirements, and sometimes I do get comments asking how to get the 4th or 5th star. I have emailed them to let then know when I could. That being said, I will try to add more details in the future. AND Low and behold I just received the EXPERT BADGE so no need to worry about it anymore. I think it is actually because I somehow added a duplicate PHOTO for the Waikiki review (don’t know how). I delete the dup photo (as well as some of the “clean and nice employee” review and one of those fixed it.
Well done @stoces , I am happy that your issue has been fixed, and now you have the badge you was waiting for.
It would be helpful if, when you respond, you “tag” the person you are responding to by using @ and selecting the name from the pop-up.
Active Local Guides like @MortenCopenhagen , @SholaIB and myself are responding to several post. Our flow of notification is quite long so sometimes we may miss a reply, if we don’t know that the reply is addressed to us.
Well, in any case thanks for this conversation, i hope you have found it helpful.
And of course you are welcome to contribute here in Connect, if you want, by sharing your experience of Local Guide.
Thank you for helping to sort out the issue. I am happy to hear. We are happy for the response of @stoces as well. I see many local guides don’t respond anymore even when their issue is fixed. A number on inconclusive questions and queries as a result of that.
It’s ways good to get feedback. Thank you and happy guiding.