Street Fruits in Hanoi

It’s usually found in whole Hanoi city-. street Fruits . Taste is also ok , very delicious. This picture has taken besides Hoan kiem Lake.


Hello @abdulhai3722 ,

Thanks for sharing!

They look so fresh and colorful. Which is your favorite fruite? Are they selling them like this? I also prefer to buy vegetables and fruits from farmers, than the supermarket. These products are bio and you can always know from where they come.



From the dish I usually like Mango & Pineapple. It’s thinkable that the fruits are organic or inorganic. Even they are selling fruits in open street,mixing of roads air explosion that’s why it’s may not good for health.


That’s right @abdulhai3722 . I like also mango by the way. Did you know, that the fruit in the middle, water rose apple is popular in Insonesia? @AngieYC might tell us more about that.

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Hello @Petra_M ,

Thank you for tagging me and @abdulhai3722 for sharing this post.

Basically this type of street fruits are very popular in Southeast Asia, in Indonesia where I’m from we called it Rujak which is all of those fruits mixed together with some sauce and peanuts.

Since this is from Hanoi, maybe @sonnyNg can give a better explanation about it.


Hi @abdulhai3722

Thank you for sharing this photo with us. These look so good. I love to eat all the fruits.

What were you doing there? What did you buy?

I have the same street fruits in Thailand. I can share some photos for this place.


We have the same food in our country @abdulhai3722

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@AbdullahAM Brother , I’m Bangladeshi .Thanks for mentioning me .Now I’m living in Hanoi … .

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@Aruni wow that’s great . Just almost same.From your dish I would like to purchase Pineapple & Watermelon. Very soon I’ll go Thailand for Visit… You’re welcome in Hanoi.

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Hi @abdulhai3722 ,

Those fruits look quite tasty! Which one did you like the most?

When did you visit Hanoi? What were the places you enjoyed the most there?

While I visited Hanoi, I enjoyed one kind of drink a lot. It was directly extracted from sugarcane and mixed with ice. Have you ever tried it? What about you @sonnyNg ?


Hi @abdulhai3722

Thank you for your warm welcome. What are you plan to do in Thailand?

Have you ever been Thailand before?

How many days you will be there?

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Hi @abdulhai3722 .

Street fruit vendors are one of my favorites, thank you for sharing! : ]

Kudos for recognizing the fruit, @Petra_M and thank you @AngieYC , for the mention!

That would be my first drink to be ordered when I get out of the airport in Ha Noi, @TsekoV. It is an unique drink, isn’t it!



Thank you brother for your sharing,

I tasted Pineapple that’s most tasty , I have made visit Old Quarter & some other places in Hanoi.

Sugarcane Juice ,I didn’t see this type of thing in Hanoi , But it is mostly available in Bangladesh. I have tasted there many time.

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Thanks for welcoming in Thailand,

What are you plan to do in Thailand?

Ans: Within 2019 , I think I will go the last of 2019.

Have you ever been Thailand before?

Ans: No

How many days you will be there

Ans: maximum 7 days

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Hi @abdulhai3722

The best time to travel is during the cool season and end of 2019 is between November.

You have to visit Chatuchak Weekend Market. It is very popular in Thailand. All souvenir and many things are selling in this market.

@TsekoV Have you ever been there before?

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@Aruni Thank you very much for your kind information . I’ll inform you before going there .

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that’s great @abdulhai3722

We can get more post from Hanoi

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Hi @abdulhai3722 ,

This is very interesting because I tried this drink in Ha Noi. I hope my memory doesn’t lie to me. What do you think @sonnyNg is sugarcane drink easy to be found in the capital of Vietnam?

@Aruni Thank you for asking me. I have never been there before. Have you?

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