Took this the other evening with my Olympus em1 11 in live composite mode, i set it to iOS 800 and left it running using the trees as a focal point, if you look to the top left you can see the star link satellites running in a line downwards, also to the right you can see the vapour trail of a plane.
That’s some really cool effects @Hgog , it almost looks like a spinning record.
How long did you have to leave it running in order to get this result?
Hi @MortenSI i left it for about an hour its a really cool affect, you can also use the mode in daytime to get shapes in clouds but you do need an nd filter for the light or you can use it on a shaded flower and shine a light quickly behind it, you can leave it up to four hours to see a ful circle. Hope this helps.
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It sounds like some very advanced techniques @Hgog , but the result is impressive.
Thank you for the tips, I will have to play around with this a bit and see what happens.
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