#StandWithUrakraine - war in Ukraine

Russia really aggressively attacked Ukraine on Thursday, 24 of February 2022, at the morning. Till now, Russia does not want to ceasefire, just to conquer our country. That started in 2014 with Crimea invasion and military fights and destabilisation in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts.

Today this is real military bloody invasion with bombs and missiles,to civilian houses across the capital city. Many civilians have died already.

I am from Ukraine originally. My parents are still in our home town, Chernivtsi, and most probably will stay there. My friends from Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnycia, Volyn and many other cities are staying in Ukraine. Many of them are stuck even though they would like to escape abroad. And many of them will stay to fight.

It is violent, it is terror, it is against humanity. No one was struggling or being oppressed by Ukrainian government. There is a lot of fake news and information spreading in Internet from Russian side on this, so please follow the wellknown and trusted sources, such as BBC or CNN.

Sources to check real information:






We want to make it stop. Let’s stop this war, let’s safe people. Our people, our families.

Around 0.5 mln people have already left Ukraine. They are refugees now. They were forced by bombs to leave their homes. There is still 40 mln people in Ukraine.

Russia has threaten us by nucler weapon, it means it threaten all world and all countries.

You can help until it will be too late!

Please support Ukraine by:

  • Join or organize local protests to urge your country for a strong reaction against Russia. It has air superiority and we need NATO to enforce a No-fly zone over Ukraine. Please demand it from local politicians

  • Publicly express support for Ukraine in social media, share and/or comment to raise awareness #stoprussianwar #standwithukraine

  • Donate to the Ukrainian army directly: https://lnkd.in/eBz8SNHg

  • Donate to a non-profit if you prefer: https://lnkd.in/e5RJEYBG

Your actions matter.


I’m deeply worried about Ukraine’s civilians.War is not solution.

@OlgaKlein Stay safe

1 Like

Thank you for posting about the terrible situation of our Ukrainian friends in their homeland, @OlgaKlein

I can reassure you that in this community we know very well what is happening, we #standwithUktaine, and with every country that is suffering for a war, or a natural disaster, and many of us are acting, sending helps, goods, money, as you can see from our social media profiles. We have, I have, personal friends that are Local Guides, Connect Moderators, Guiding Stars, Featured Local Guides, in Ukraine, all suffering for this terrible situation. Over my desktop, the Ukrainian Flag is reminding me of them everyday, from the latest 3 years, not from the last month. I chat for hours with them every day. We are friends, true friends.

That’s why, in this community where there is a home for everyone, I wanted to launch a different message, talking about Friendship Without Borders. Our most active Ukrainian friends in the community know already what we post on social networks, they know what we are doing, and often come to this space, in Connect, just to find a space for friendship, and to read something different from what they can read already everywhere.

As you can see, the cover of my post intentionally wanted to recall the colors of the flag of Ukraine.

Hope you will join us in this too. A big hug


Nie ma słów, którymi można wyrazić żal i współczucie dla Ukrainy…


Thank you for all your words and support!

I propose to specially inform our Russian Local Guides, so they can spread a true word about the situation inside of their country.


Jestem z Polski, my, Polacy robimy co w naszej mocy aby pomóc ludziom uciekającym przed wojną, jak I tym, którzy zostali na Ukrainie. Dla wszystkich znajdzie się miejsce do spania, żywność, opieka medyczna - wszystko, co jest potrzebne, aby przetrwać ten okropny czas. W tej chwili z mojego miasta (Elbląg) wyjechał transport z najpotrzebniejszymi produktami , jedzie bezpośrednio na Ukrainę.Ludzie organizują się na grupach na fb I sprawnie ta pomoc przebiega.Kto potrzebuje pomocy, niech pisze: elblągdlaukrainy, lub gdziekolwiek. Albo po prostu niech przyjeżdża. Wszelka pomoc udzielana jest na granicy. Wszyscy wspóľpracują. Nie bójcie się przyjeżdżać, zostanie wam udzielona wszelka pomoc, oczywiście wszystko jest za darmo. Z dobrego serca.

Jeśli mogę pomóc w inny sposób, to jestem do dyspozycji.

Danuta G


Es muy triste la situación que se esta viviendo en Ucrania. Deseo que esto termine pronto @OlgaKlein y no haga mas daños a tu país, sobre todo a civiles.


@OlgaKlein ovo je strašno šta se događa u Ukrajini.

Svi smo zabrinuti i duboko suosjećamo sa narodom Ukrajine.

Ja sam iz Hrvatske.

I mi smo prije 30 godina proživjeli rat.

  1. bila je strašna…

Sličan scenarij kao sada u Ukrajini.

Nadam se da će razum pobjediti i da će ovo zlo što prije završiti.

Cijeli svijet je uz Ukrajinu.

Molimo se za mir. :pray: :pray: :cry:




Stay safe for you and whole

friends and family ini Ukraine there.I followed new and it feel more emotional and heartbreaking look situation there…Stop war immediatly .

Stay safe,stay blessed.

From Indonesia with love



Hi @OlgaKlein , indeed, the situation in Ukraine is very worrying, because it could lead to an international conflict, and therefore we need to approach this topic very carefully. If NATO and the United States intervene in this conflict, it means that a third world war will break out, which will lead to the end of life on the planet. Nobody wants that. The only right decision, in my opinion, is to negotiate and reach some kind of consensus. Otherwise, there will be no winners from this war, but the whole world will lose.

I will ask @OlgaKlimchik from Belarus to express her opinion on the issue.

Today is March 3, a national holiday of Bulgaria, we celebrate 144 years since our liberation from Turkish slavery. On this date, the San Stefano Peace Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire was signed, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The war, the tenth in a series of Russo-Turkish wars, was called the Liberation War. Russians and Ukrainians took part in this war side by side to liberate Bulgaria from Turkish slavery, which lasted 500 years.

Поздрави от братска България


Hola @OlgaKlein mí apoyo incondicional al pueblo Ucraniano y mí total rechazo a esta guerra absurda guiada solamente por intereses económicos. Toda la solidaridad y deseo que esta barbaridad termine cuánto antes. :pray: :pray: :pray: .

Un abrazo fraterno desde Uruguay.

:uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:

I am not sure it’s good idea to call me here, I represent an agressor’s side now, @mockata2 .

But ok. What can I say?

I didn’t believe the possibility of the war till the last moment. Even when local guides all over the world started to write me and asked about the situation, because their news said about war, I didn’t believe and argued that the war in the Donbass had been going on for 8 years and nothing new had happened. All people around me were calm and even didn’t understand what I was asking about when I asked them about the possibility of the war.

23th of February (Defenders of the Fatherland Day in Belarus and Russia, which was abandoned in Ukraine), lately in the evening, we spoke in our group chat and a man from Gomel said that the whole Gomel is full of Russian technics and soldiers, even the main streets. It was really shocking news. And in the morning we woke up with news about the war.

The first thoughts were about my sister living with her family in Kiev. That day they were awakened by the explosions of shells. My sister knew about the possibility of the war in advance (though her husband didn’t believe too), but didn’t want to trouble us and didn’t say. Her alarm bag was pre-assembled in advance.

The second thought was that it’s WE, who are invaders. Not less frightening thought. Shameful.

We always, from the very childhood were absolutely sure that we are brothers and sisters with Ukraine and Russia. It was an axiom. Now Ukrainians joke that it’s great they had only two brothers :unamused: .

I hear a lot of terrible real stories from my sister these days. Thank God Internet works well there and we are able to communicate. They are safe now, if it’s possible to say about safety in the village which was also under attack in the first day.

I read all I see every spare minute, fakes and not fakes, not to miss something important.

People die. Their homes are ruined. Working places are ruined. People have to stay in bomb shelters (if they have something similar nearby; people from my sister’s district were proposed to go to school building, it’s just not so high as their homes). Everything is under fire: living buildings, machines with citizens wanting to leave the city, ambulance, children hospital… I do hope they are fighted by mistake… but I don’t know something already.

Nothing works. No possibility to earn money for living. Anyways it’s often impossible to spend money also.

I pray this war will end soon. And I am afrain it won’t.


What you are talking about @OlgaKlimchik is quite shocking. Indeed, this war is completely meaningless - fraternal peoples to wage war and kill each other … is not good.

Not hate! Not the separation!

We are also a fraternal people and we are watching very carefully what is happening there. In Ukraine, Bulgarians are the fifth largest nation. According to the 2001 census, they are 204,574 people, or 0.42% of the country’s population. According to estimates of the Bulgarian Prof. Bozhidar Dimitrov, the number of people of Bulgarian origin is about 1,000,000 people.

I will tell you a legend about Khan Kubrat, who called his sons before he died - Bayan, Kotrag, Asparuh, Kuber and Alcek and told them to take a bundle of sticks and try to break them all at once. One by one, the brothers tried to break the sticks, but could not. Then Khan Kubrat took the bundle of sticks and began to take them out one by one and break them, then he advised them to be together so as not to separate, because if they are together no one will be able to defeat them.

Today is the national holiday of Bulgaria. On this day, many people gather on the top of Shipka, where there is a Monument of Freedom. People with different biases had gathered there, but they were united and waved the flags of Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia. This is because of a kalza called - freedom!

Поздрави от братска България


@mockata2 I have forgotten to congratulate you :slightly_smiling_face: . Excuse me, my thoughts are so far…

Friendship between people is so important! No matter if it’s the united state or many separate independent ones. Your legend prooves it too.

I am afraid this war made a huge harm for all of us, making us to be enemies even inside our families. These days I had felt it so much.

I do hope Slav people will be able to be friends again. Though I hardly believe Ukraine will be able to forget.

I didn’t know there are so many Bulgarians in Ukraine! Maybe I never thought about it.