Russia really aggressively attacked Ukraine on Thursday, 24 of February 2022, at the morning. Till now, Russia does not want to ceasefire, just to conquer our country. That started in 2014 with Crimea invasion and military fights and destabilisation in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts.
Today this is real military bloody invasion with bombs and missiles,to civilian houses across the capital city. Many civilians have died already.
I am from Ukraine originally. My parents are still in our home town, Chernivtsi, and most probably will stay there. My friends from Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnycia, Volyn and many other cities are staying in Ukraine. Many of them are stuck even though they would like to escape abroad. And many of them will stay to fight.
It is violent, it is terror, it is against humanity. No one was struggling or being oppressed by Ukrainian government. There is a lot of fake news and information spreading in Internet from Russian side on this, so please follow the wellknown and trusted sources, such as BBC or CNN.
Sources to check real information:
We want to make it stop. Let’s stop this war, let’s safe people. Our people, our families.
Around 0.5 mln people have already left Ukraine. They are refugees now. They were forced by bombs to leave their homes. There is still 40 mln people in Ukraine.
Russia has threaten us by nucler weapon, it means it threaten all world and all countries.
You can help until it will be too late!
Please support Ukraine by:
Join or organize local protests to urge your country for a strong reaction against Russia. It has air superiority and we need NATO to enforce a No-fly zone over Ukraine. Please demand it from local politicians
Publicly express support for Ukraine in social media, share and/or comment to raise awareness #stoprussianwar #standwithukraine
Donate to the Ukrainian army directly:
Donate to a non-profit if you prefer:
Your actions matter.