Stalled Star Photo Views Since March 7th, 2024.

The views on my star photo stopped growing since March 7th, 2024. Earlier, it was picking up about 60-70 views daily. After reviewing the data, I’ve noticed not only has my star photo’s views stopped increasing, but the same goes for the top four most-viewed photos since March 7th, 2024. Thanks to the Top 100 system, I’ve retrieved past data for analysis.

I’m curious if any other LG friends have experienced a similar situation.


Note: Please note that my Star photo views dropped in February 2024 but returned back to normal on March 7, 2024. Since then, it is not increased. [My previous post on star photo.]](

I would like to tag LG friends @JustJake , @Kumaarsantosh , @tony_b @Rednewt74 , @Annaelisa


Hello @PrasadVR we all have same problem. There is a very long thread on it. Please see here.

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Seit Anfang Februar ist es so. Erst wurden die Aufrufe um rund 2000 veringert und danach eingefroren.

Keine Bewegung

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@Annaelisa @WilfriedB Please note that my Star photo views dropped in February 2024 but returned back to normal on March 7, 2024. Since then, it is not increased.

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Hello @PrasadVR ,

Now a days the individual photos view counts are getting updated after a long gap but they do get updated in my case.

I can see a significant change in my Star Photo view counts when I compare the last update on March 6th here and the update as on date.

I think in your case also it will get updated in coming days.



@PrasadVR @Kumaarsantosh @WilfriedB

Gerade habe ich festgestellt, dass zumindest mein Starvideo Zunahmen anzeigt. Das Starvideo stand nämlich auch still.

Nur mein Starfoto sieht noch genauso aus wie Anfang Februar als sich alles änderte.


Yes @PrasadVR the situation with Star photos and videos has been really strange throughout February and March.

Among my top photos, only #19 had moved recently and is now in #16 position.

The first two videos are frozen, but #3 moved and will now be the Star at #1 when I update my stats later today on the Top100 platform.


I recall that earlier in March you reported that your star views had returned to normal @PrasadVR so it’s interesting that you are now seeing that in fact the star views have stalled and that this is the case with your top 4 star photos. @Annaelisa and if I’m reading his reply correctly, @tony_b are reporting the same experience whereas @Kumaarsantosh has indicated that the update period has been longer but eventually the view counts are updated. It will be interesting to see what the March star photo leaderboards indicate.


Thank you, @AdamGT , Yes, your conclusion is correct; The star views were restored on March 7th and remained stalled. I could analyse the views of four star photos due to limited data. It’s possible that the views of some other photos are also stalled.

Thank you friends. @WilfriedB , @Annaelisa , @Kumaarsantosh , @tony_b for sharing your views, hope it will provide input for @AdamGT to conduct a deep analysis.


@PrasadVR and @Kumaarsantosh

Would you care to also respond here regarding photo views if you have some relevant data.




Sure @MortenCopenhagen , I am sharing my relevant data soon there.


Yes @AdamGT you’re correct. While @PrasadVR is reporting this for his top 4, I see this all the way down to the top 18. Here’s an extract from a response I posted on another thread:

Top performing photos:

Of the top 19 photos, only the last one changed a second time this month to become #16

Of the top 80 photos, six did not change at all

Of the top 80 photos, only 21 changed in the past week

Total video views show a steady increase from January through February and into March.

Of the top videos, only #3 kept on moving after early March, and this has now become #1

Of the list of all 68 videos, two did not change at all

Of the list of all 68 videos, only 32 changed in the past week

So, totals overall continue to increase, but it remains a mystery why some specific photos or videos are responding different to others in the present circumstances.


@tony_b es ist wirklich alles sehr Rätselhaft

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@tony_b I am pleased to see you are very closely monitoring the top 18 data. It gives lot of helpful input for for understanding the impact.

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Just to be clear @PrasadVR , I monitor everything that’s above 35,000 views and there are about 80 of those now. The top 18 just happen to be the ones that are stuck at the moment, and #19 was the first on the list that appeared to go back to “normal” behaviour in recent weeks.

My top photo over 2 million views is what @AdamGT calls a Red Star (gaining almost zero new views per day). The next two over 1 million views were still doing well before the February glitch. Now all three plus some others in the 600,000 to 200,000 range are making no progress at this time.

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Hi, friends,
On Friday, March 7, 2024, I reported that the number of views of my star photo increased to 6,082,733. Until now, March 30, 2024, the number of views has not changed. I felt something strange. Then, I checked the photo on Google Map. To my surprise, my star photo is no longer here. Has anyone experienced the same case as me? What should I do? Any suggestion?


@Kumaarsantosh I’m experiencing the same thing as @PrasadVR

As today is the last day of the month, I updated the VIP Lounge Star Tracker made by @AdamGT , and here are the results:

  • None of the 10 entries in the Photo Tracker registered any change at all.
  • 8 of the 10 entries in the Video Tracker registered small increases in views

@mbmuhlison I checked my top photos which are stalled, but they all seem to be still present on the relevant POIs. Not sure why yours would be missing or hidden. Let’s hope it would be a temporary issue.

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@tony_b It’s very interesting to note that you are monitoring the photos above 35,000 views, I am curious, do you maintain a separate workbook for this and what interval do you update? I hope that your top 18 photos don’t end up as Red Stars. Thank you sharing the status.

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@mbmuhlison I have checked my four most viewed photos (for which views are not gaining) and they are still displayed at the POI. Thank you for sharing your status.