SriLanka Local Guides Geo Walk

A Geo walk was organized this evening with some interesting outdoor events. Unfortunately, due to the thunderstorm in Colombo, only a few enthusiasts out of a huge lot who accepted the invitation could gather around in the Majestic city complex where the Geo walk was supposed to begin. Avoiding the splatters and showers, we decided to stay in and cover up the entire mall. This was a quick decision from the passionate guys who also wanted not to miss the fun due to the bad weather.

The event went cool with some delicacies served in the food court. None of us failed to rate those sales outlets and showrooms.

Also, we had a chat with some owners and edited the opening and closing times of those on the map.

In essence, this was a fun-filled gathering of some smart and young enthusiasts! Regardless of the bad weather condition, its all the team spirit which made the event end up a success.

Thank you @AsankaJayasuriya @ChiranthaL @JayangaJ @user_not_found for attending this meetup


It is nice to see all of you… Good work @IlankovanT


#Enjoy #Fun #Sharing #Mapping #Eating… It was a very nice moment. Thanks for the arrange bro @IlankovanT and will see the next meet up soon…


@AnuradhaP @ChiranthaL Thanks and will do another one soon with many new faces.


Yeah sure bro… I will give my fully contributes for any event.


Wow, CocaCola is everywhere.

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@KahaleI yeh they are advertising in piza hut . But I don’t drink Cocacola