Loving to share my experiences to Google Maps as a local guide since I have got many great experiences from it based on real reviews and, of course, the main feature that is navigation (otherwise, I would get lost many times :p)
That is why I would love to contribute some to Google Maps as well - “what goes around comes around”
In fact, I had thought about implementing my own reviewing platform for places to help people make a decision since 2012 - especially for cafes and restaurants (you will know why below!)
Thus, people will get the best experience for what they want without wasting their worthy time
Nevertheless, Google Maps and Local Guides have been making it far better than what I thought for recently years!
Some facts about me, I love coffee and food, my friends and colleagues called me foodie or gourmet sometimes. Furthermore, my passion is finding great, amazing, and delicious coffees and foods everywhere I go - not only for eating it, but also experiencing and learning something new. When I am traveling on this planet, I always enjoy walking around cities, seeing buildings and cultures, watching people life, and of course finding new COFFEEs and FOODs!
There is no doubt that I have found plenty of them not just only by my gut feeling and sense experience when I walked past those cafes and restaurants, but I have an invaluable source from people’s reviews on Google Maps too (:
Why I have been doing that? A simple answer is that I have one of my (important) dreams in my life wish-list bucket is… I wanna open my own cafe selling what I love to drink and eat to other people. I hope they will be happy and enjoy when they are eating what I serve to them! Another point, it matters to me that good places deserve what they have done and to get complimentary and people should know how good they are. I hope my little voice will help them to get more customers and they will proud of their business and make it better which I hope I can visit them again if I have a chance!
One last sentence for Google Maps and Local Guides is that “it is a unique place for giving and taking of the human priceless experiences” (: