Spinning 'round the world

I fell in love with spinning 5 years ago when I was looking for a substitute for running, because my doctor said running is bad for my cervical that has some disorder. So I tried a spinning class in the gym I used to go to.

It was love at first sight, despite I almost fell off the bike because it was too intense training for me at that point. I couldn’t catch up with the others and the instructor, but I enjoyed the ride, the music, the lights and the energy vibrating during the ride :heart:

Years just went by, and I improved a lot, I even bought my bike shoes to be more effective during the rides ?. Meanwhile my job changed a little, I had started to attend international conferences one or two times a year. And that was the moment when a thought ? just hit me : why not visit the local gyms in foreign countries and cities I travel to? From that moment the first thing to pack when I prepare for a business trip is my bike shoes and training stuff. The first thing I search on Google Maps before travelling are the local spinning clubs.

However looking for the appropriate club I often faced some difficulties. Spinning classes are usually held in a gym, and I have to look for gyms first, and check the photos and reviews for information if they have spinning room and spinning classes. And very often I find only info bites about indoor cycling, that can be different type then Spinning®. This does not mean any wrong, just fans of different programs like to attend their favorite program.

That is why the second thought ? hit me: to contribute to Google Maps by adding photos and detailed reviews of Spinning® or indoor cycling clubs I visit around the world. During my business trips I had the great chance to ride in Madrid, Munich, New York, Nice, Santiago de Compostela. And I do not want to forget of course Budapest, my home town, where I also try different clubs and gyms (see my Google Maps list: Best Spinning clubs in Budapest ).

I am really thankful for all the Spinning® instructors and cycling coaches I met and I rode with.

This “spinning inspired” contribution is the most interesting thing I’ve done as a Local Guide ?