Some places to visit in Casablanca

Casablanca for me still the most captivating and cosmopolitan city in Morocco, it inspires me a lot of feelings, the freedom, a mixture of authenticity and modernism, the spontaneous contact with the population. A city that receives you with the arms wide open.
If you are there for one day you can visit :
Hassan II Mosque, is the second-largest mosque in the world, and one of few open to non-Muslims

La Corniche offers an area full of entertainment, and the chance to go on a refreshing walk on the beach, or even a dip in the sea if you’re feeling daring.
King’s Palace, is located near the new medina is yet another one of the King’s palaces. The King has a palace in almost every city just in case of a royal visit.

Marché Central, is located in the centre of the city the Marché Central is a great place to go for lunch.

Phare d’El Hank is a Lighthouse known as Pointe d’el-Hank Light. It is known for its gallery the circular masonry tower and it stunning mammoth sized glass reflector light.


@Stari Lovely place, although I have not personally been there.

A suggestion that you could embed the link to each of the location to Google Maps, that will make the post even better.

And a photo of each location where possible will be great also (remember to use only your own photos, and seek permission and give credit if you want to use someone else’s photo)

Happy contributing!

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Hello @Stari ,

Thank you for sharing all these details and this beautiful photo with us. What did you enjoy the most in Casablanca? Did you visit other Moroccan cities?

As a person who grew up in Morocco, I would like to add to your list of must-see places in Casablanca, the city center as a whole. The city has amazing colonial architecture which is present a bit everywhere.

PS: I’m sharing with you a photo of an old colonial architecture style building in the city center of Casablanca.

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@Stari nice post! My sister was in some the places mentioned and she wouldn’t stop sending me pictures of her summer holiday last year, what a beautiful experience I am sure she had in Casablanca, thanks for sharing!