Local Guides host amazing virtual meet-ups all around the world, and they share recaps of their experiences on Connect. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite recent recaps.
Food and drink
“[RECAP] Virtual Meet-up Foodie Local Guides Talk Part 4”
@Velvel 's foodie meet-ups attract Local Guides with a passion for food. This time, the host and participants showcased their most viewed and most favorite food and drink photos on Google Maps. From curly fries to biryani rice and chocolate desserts,her recap will have you reaching for the takeout menu of your local restaurant. If you’re looking for place recommendations, you can find them in the recap, too!
“[RECAP] West-African dishes virtual taste meet-up”
It’s easy to see how excited @SholaIB was for his virtual meet-up from the recap. During the event, Local Guides not only talked about the importance of healthy food but also showed each other how to prepare three West-African dishes. You can find the delicious recipes linked inhis recap to try and make them at home.
Bringing communities together
“[RECAP] Cumpleaños Argentina Local Guides”
The Argentina Local Guides recently celebrated the birthday of their community with a big virtual event. @Cecilita shared a recap full of important milestones, exciting announcements, and entertaining games that the Local Guides played together. In it, you will also find the smiling faces of over 40 participants and several fun videos, so don’t miss it.
“{Recap} Four Years Of Connect - A Global Meet-up with Beautiful Memories”
This year, we saw many great posts and meet-ups dedicated to Connect’s fourth birthday. @KashifMisidia and @JaneBurunina took Local Guides on a trip down memory lane intheir celebratory meet-up. They showed images of how Connect used to look like before, popular posts from previous years celebrations, and talked about Connect Moderators and even Maps edits!
#TeamTacos organized a wonderful virtual celebration of Mexico’s history, traditions, food, and music. In the recap, @Ale_003 shared many of the interesting things they talked about, which she thoughtfully divided into several categories. If you want to learn about how Mexico gained its independence, what typical costumes look like, or what ingredients hide in their traditional dishes, make sure to read the recap.
“[Recap] Virtual Mid-Autumn Festival Meet-up”
@StephenAbraham ’s meet-up brought together Local Guides from three continents. They talked about what the Mid-Autumn Festival meant to them while doing one of the things Local Guides do best: eat snacks! In this case, they showed off the special mooncakes they prepared or bought for the event. Stephen also demonstrated how to make festival lanterns from scratch. Find out more interesting details inthe recap.
Local Guides from different corners of the world joined @Ewaade_3A for a three-and-a-half-hour virtual event that focused on identifying ways in which they could help people with disabilities through their contributions and beyond. Inher recap, you will find the main learning points and a list of accessible locations around the globe.
Global concerns
“The Big Picture; Focusing on the Big Picture meet-up RECAP”
2020 brought a lot of unexpected changes for many of us. @AlphaSays hosted a meet-up that gave Local Guides the opportunity to express their thoughts on some of the major events of the year, like the Black Lives Matter movement, women empowerment, inclusivity, COVID-19, mental health, and more. Inhis recap, you can find many great resources and helpful advice.
“Recap: E waste & it’s solution”
A strong advocate for the environment, @Tejal organized an event to talk about the importance of handling electronic waste correctly. She did research in her community on how aware people are of the impact of e-waste and the challenges of its collection. During the meet-up, she and her guest speakers shared some crucial information and advice, which you can find inher recap.
Did you attend any of these virtual meet-ups? What’s your favorite recap? Tell us in the comments below.
Interested in being featured? Submit your recaps on Local Guides Connect, for a chance to have your recap featured. No need to tag a Google Moderator; we review all recaps published on Connect regularly.