Some memorable moments from my first-ever meetup

I am Atik, a level 5 local guide from Rajshahi. I have started very recently and already loving this.

I am passionate about taking photos of different buildings, cityscapes, and moments. I am happy to see my photo impact google maps with larger audiences.

Last week I attended a meetup event through a Facebook event post, and I got thrilled to see these many local guides in a single place.

I have learned about their personal experiences; some are truly inspiring, including the story of Ayon vai, who started from his father’s phone and now is a local guides level 10, and Nazmul vai, a developer and very much passionate about google mapping. Shahinur is another inspiration for those who love motivating people and want to present their local areas to the world community.

Let me show you some of the memorable moments from this meetup.


It was so wonderful to meeteveryone @AtikHasan41 ! Coming together brings a special kind of joy and comfort that can’t be found anywhere else.

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