Edit of December 9th, 2019: I am Flagging this issue as solved
A few days ago we had our Wine Meet-up on a Local Business. The business had a duplicate, so a few weeks ago I suggested an edit, for merging the duplicate to the original POI. The edit was approved just a few days before the meet-up.
Yes I cannot see my review and from your screenshot it seems that all my old pictures have gone too. I can tell you for sure that all your old pictures have gone from your review too .
The total count of reviews is wrong, they should be around 50
I am really tempted to write a new review, to see what happen, @C_T , @StephenAbraham , @CatC , but I would like also to make this post helpful, for Google Maps Team to understand where the bug is.
I feel a one-liner test review wouldn’t cause any harm. However, I guess, the moment you hit the submit button the app will return a server error and will not allow saving that new review.
looks like some database is not correctly pointing the data. This is the main reason why I don’t want to write the review again, waiting for Google team to identify the issue
I cannot see my review, I have checked both from mobile and desk top and the system ask me to write a new review. From your screenshot I can see my review and new pics uploaded, but what about old ones? Can you see more pics? They were added last summer with the review.
In any case I am not going to write a new review as long as other people can read and see it
@JeroenM , I’ve got a tag on Social media from you about a similar issue you have. As you can see mine has been fixed. Do you want to share your own issue here for a check?
I am not sure I have a similar issue, I only had an aha moment based on anecdotal (possible) evidence for dealing with the same. Since, when I read your post this morning, it seemed your issue was still not resolved, I shared it with fellow Local Guides on Social Media.
I shall change my post there, as it is now no longer correct with your update
Your case solved but this is an ordinary issue and it is because of the merging process as @GeorgesHR mentioned. It takes some days for reviews and photos of duplicate POIs to be stable. Even the POI may be fallen of search results during that time. In most cases for a place with many reviews and photos, it takes some days to complete the merging process.