Solution - How to Take a Double Role Photo of a Subject in a Single Shot?


You all might be surprised hearing that a double role of a subject in a single shot right??

Yes, exactly, its possible and so simple. You can create your own portrait as a double role in a single photo like #Twins with amazing backgrounds.

Just imagine, you are visiting most amazing squares of Europe and you take a photo of your in fascinating background just like #Twins… isn’t is so coo?

Now the wait is over. Here is step by step guides on how to take double role of your photo.

let’s go then.

  1. At first select your breathtaking view or place or location you want to capture for memory.
  2. Open your device’s camera.
  3. Now shift it to #Panorama mode.
  4. Now the interesting thing to remember is, hold your phone’s camera in vertical position.
  5. Now keep the subject which you are taking photo, to left corner.
  6. And start to take #Panorama photo from left corner to right.
  7. After few steps sliding continuous taking picture, “HOLD ON” camera at same position for a while and immediately, shift the subject (a person you are taking a photo) should change the position to right corner shifting from behind the photographer so that the shifting won’t captured and first part has already taken.
  8. After shifting to next position, again continue to slide move the camera to right to finish the #Panorama shot.
  9. Once you finished taking the photo… Wow!! Amazing!! You’ll get an amazing shot of double role of your subject photo in a single photo like #Twins!

Isn’t its great?? Try it once! and let me know how it was!!

In this way, the LGs can have a great photo of their own as a double role with amazing backgrounds.

I’m waiting your feed back whether it really worked with you or not!!

Thank you.

My Name is Prachand Man SINGH

And I’m a LGs Currently Level 6

From Himalayan Country, Nepal




It it interesting tips @Mr_Prach

It is incredible.!

I must to try make such photo.

Thank you so much!

Great shot!

Wonderful panorama of mountains in Nepal.!


@Mr_Prach Cool…

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Dear @helga19 Thank you very much for you nice response. Yes it actually works please try it at once! you will be amazed. And yes the scene is breathtaking. Thank you.


Yes its amazing @Sarath-Ab . Please try it once! if any further information needed please feel free to drop your comment. Thank you.



Thank you for that tip. I’m very interested of making various photos.

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@Guideska Its my pleasure to share knowledge to all local guides. Did you try it ? It really works and seems amazing.

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I haven’t try it yet. But I’m going to use it in my nearest event.

Thanks a lot.

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Hi @Mr_Prach thankyouuu… nice photo

and especially thanks for the photography tips, it is very useful!

excellent posting…


@Guideska I am eagerly waiting your post very soon. Good luck! :slight_smile:

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@fafaguru Its my pleasure to share my knowledge to our community. Yes its amazing. And I would love to see your post of such photo very soon tagging me! :slight_smile:


Yeah, I really hope can make a such photos soon. I’ll try @Mr_Prach



@fafaguru very glad to hear from you.


Wow! Its amazing. Thanks for a great tips @Mr_Prach . Every should try at once.

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@siddme Its my pleasure to share my knowledge in this community. And thanks a lot.

  1. At first select your breathtaking view or place or location you want to capture for memory.
  2. Open your device’s camera.
  3. Now shift it to #Panorama mode.
  4. Now the interesting thing to remember is, hold your phone’s camera in vertical position.
  5. Now keep the subject which you are taking photo, to left corner.
  6. And start to take #Panorama photo from left corner to right.
  7. After few steps sliding continuous taking picture, “HOLD ON” camera at same position for a while and immediately, shift the subject (a person you are taking a photo) should change the position to right corner shifting from behind the photographer so that the shifting won’t captured and first part has already taken.
  8. After shifting to next position, again continue to slide move the camera to right to finish the #Panorama shot.
  9. Once you finished taking the photo… Wow!! Amazing!! You’ll get an amazing shot of double role of your subject photo in a single photo like #Twins!

Hi @Mr_Prach

That is very clear and easy guide… Thanks alot


It’s my pleasure @fafaguru to share my knowledge within this local guides community. And you’re most welcome @fafaguru

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