Socialist Architectural Heritage of Sofia, Bulgaria.

There are many interesting remains of the Socialist Era under the sign of which the Eastern European states lived for almost half a century. Some are good, some are not as good as others, but they are all the living heritage of old (happily) times.

What I found really appealing in the Socialist Architecture is the functionality of the different structures and the way they were planned to serve the needs of the people living/working in them. What I am showing you in this post is the building of GEOPLANPROEKT (formerly state agency responsible for mapping). The building is situated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Има много интересни останки от ерата на социализма, под чийто знак източноевропейските държави са живели почти половин век. Някои са добри, други не са толкова добри, колкото други, но те са цялото живо наследство от стари (за щастие) времена.
Това, което намирам наистина привлекателно в социалистическата архитектура, е функционалността на различните структури и начинът, по който те са планирани да обслужват нуждите на хората, които живеят / работят в тях. Това, което ви показвам в този пост, е сградата на ГЕОПЛАНПРОЕКТ (бивша държавна агенция, отговаряща за картографирането). Сградата се намира в София, България.


Do you have other examples of the specialist architectural heritage?

Hello @tukzamalko ,

Thanks for sharing these pictures with us! Sofia is a beautiful city and this building is quite interesting, especially the decorations on the facade. Do you think we can consider it an example of brutalist architecture? Have you ever visited the socialist art museum there?

I’ve found this nice post about the city and I hope you will enjoy it too: A small guide to the Bulgarian capital, Sofia.

Hi @tukzamalko ,

Just to let you know, I’ve noticed that your post has a Bulgarian language label tag. Please note, I’ve removed it, as your post is written in English. To learn more about those labels please take a look at the How do I find posts in my preferred language?