Snäckskal och pärla vid Stadshuset i Uppsala

Senaste tillskottet av offentlig konst utanför den nya Stadshuset i Uppsala november 2021.

Konstverket symboliserar en snäcka med pärla. Verket heter Gowhar (Pärla) och konstnären är Samaneh Reyhani.

I min hemstad, Uppsala, finns många nya offentliga konstverk. Staden växer och så gör även konstverken.

Det finns alltid nya objekt att fotografera. Hoppas att ni tycker det är trevligt med mina foton.


A really unique photo object, @oualibechir . Do you know interesting story about that piece of art? And if you don’t mind, would you please also add the Google Maps’ link of the museum?

Thanks for sharing

Hello @oualibechir ,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us, the piece of art looks very interesting!

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Here is the link you requested:

Google Maps is your friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Wow, that’s amazing, @MortenCopenhagen ! How can you do that??

Wkwkwkk… :smile:

But thanks for the link. Really helpful because I don’t understand the language. When I type the name of the place that’s suggested by Google Translate, it takes me to somewhere else not the city hall (or in this language: Stadhuset[?]). Wkwkk…

Thanks, anyway

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Sweden is just next to Denmark and our languages are quite similar, so it was piece of cake on my end. Did you notice the other photo of the art piece? The gold part is a lot more pointy than what is shown in @oualibechir 's photo.



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Ah, yes. Swedish and Danish are sharing the same language roots. No wonder that you could understand it easily, @MortenCopenhagen

The only Swedish word that I always remember is “volvo.” I roll. Or in Indonesian: Menggelinding. That’s funny, for me. Wkwkk…

Yes, I’ve noticed that the “pearl” is had a more pointy shape. Almost looks like a drop of water. Or the tears of the shell. Wkwkk… :smile:

iorikun301 här är länken till konstverket som står utanför Stadshuset i Uppsala


Ouali Bechir