Skyline at Warsaw, Poland

Here’s presenting a couple of pictures that capture beautiful skylines of Warsaw, Poland. These were taken from the 42nd floor of the Intercontinental hotel.


Hello @KanishkNagpal ,

Thanks for sharing the beautiful skyline. I’ve only seen the Intercontinental Hotel from the Palace of Culture and Science and it’s facade was unseen. Fun fact, did you know it was built with that hole because of the citizens living in the small apartment buildings next to it. This way they were still able to have a view to the park and the Palace of Culture despite the huge hotel.

Here is one of my photos from the skyline in Warsaw:

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@MoniDi thnak you for the photograph. It’s really good.

Also, I was told that the reason behind that asymmetrical design of the Intercontinental hotel was a protest from the residents of apartments behind that hotel owing to concerns that the construction of such a tall building would block sunlight falling onto these apartments.

May be your information is also correct… that could be a reason as well.

Extremely nice shot@KanishkNagpal.

Thank you for sharing these valuable pics.


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thank you @shantanu-kaizen