Simple Home Remedy

Today I want to share with all of you Indonesian Simple Home Remedy called:

Kunyit Asam or in English Turmeric Tamarind drink

The ingredients are simple and can be found in local market, to those who live in Western region such as America/Europe, you can find it in Asian stores.

So my recipe is:

500 gr of Turmeric

150 gr of Ginger

1 lemongrass

50 gr of Tamarind

4-5 table spoon of palm sugar/brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon of salt (do not skip)

1 table spoon of Goji Berry (optional)

1 pot of water / +/- 2 Liter of water

The following steps are:

  1. Cut into thin slices the turmeric and ginger

  2. Put together all the ingredients in the pot

  3. Boil in medium heat for about 30 minutes and switch to low heat for another 10 minutes.

  4. Strain all the ingredients and let it chill

You can enjoy it both hot or cold. My favorite is cold but sometimes in raining/cold season it could help to warm your body.

I usually do not throw the leftover spices, I recook it and get the lighter version drink. Still delicious though.

Turmeric Tamarind home remedy has many benefits. It can help to boost your body immune and lower blood pressure. Asians especially Indonesians like to drink this and for little children, turmeric is one of herbal medicine which can help to increase appetite. We usually give this to the fussy eater.

PS: If you want to have a denser thicker drink, you can blend all the ingredients except goji berry and tamarind. Cook and strain it.

Thank you for reading





Herbal drink always best option ,thank you for sharing with us .

Stay safe ,stay at home


I totally agree @Nyainurjanah

Herbal medicine has no side effects to our body.

I’ve been cooking this once a week using large pot then froze it,so all family members can enjoy it the entire week :yum:

Especially during this pandemic, it really help boosting our body immune


Kirain mau masak apa, ternyata bikin jamu.

Enak dan segar, Bu @Ritamega



I am feeling hungry. This look extremely delicious and yummy.

I want a sip from the drink turmeric Mbak RITA.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful meal with us on connect.

Best regards.

Remain Safe.



Iya Mbak @iorikun301

Lagi pandemik begini, saya rasa baiknya makan dan minum yang natural aja, mumpung bahan tersedia tapi sekarang mahal ya :sweat_smile:


Hi @Austinelewex

Yes it is very refreshing too! Add 4-5 cube of ice block then it would be perfect :grin:


I prever the hot one mbak Rita @Ritamega .

In this situation this is good to make my emotion stay calm down.

Today my hometown, Bogor is on Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy

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Dear Pak @BudiFXW

Jamu kunyit asam is easy to make and the ingredients are available daily in our traditional market. I usually recook it 2-3 times before I throw away the pulps.

I do agree especially during rainy days or cold weather it is served best hot, it could help clear our throat and make our tummy warmer.

How are you by the way? During WFH, any progress on Google Maps contributions?

I honestly have no clue besides editing my typo on reviews, editing wrong map marker and writing reviews on my take away delivery food. I want to go out badly and take pictures like I used to do