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"Sightseeing and shopping around in Veradero,Cuba"
Google Maps contribution stories
April 16, 2020, 8:53am
Shopping for hats along the Primera Avenida
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Shopping for gifts andsouvenir items.
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Pina Coladas are good.
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Just for photo ops..
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"DANTE" an IItalian Restaurant inside the Parque Josone.. again.. I will not talk about the food although I ate here. but the location is very nice.
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The tour bus that goes around Veradero. 5.00 dollars unlimited for a whole day.
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This is a vintage car/tram that also goes around Veradero central.
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La Casa de Al Capone. This is just located by the Villa Karey. They serve better food than anywhere else.
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Outdoor sitting of the Italian Restaurant "Dante" in PParque Josone.
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Parque Josone
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Pretty in Pink Vintage car for taxi.
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The "Kalesa" or horse coaches parking area
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The Coco Taxi
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Cruceero del Sol. This is where you go, if you want to go for a Catamaran Tour. They serve good food on the Catamaran and it takes you to island tours.
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La Casa de Al Capone Restaurant
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April 19, 2020, 9:03am
thank you for sharing