Sierra Helada Natural Park Benidorm

To combine sea and mountains has never been easier. With 300 metre cliffs and more than 5,600 hectares, the natural park of Sierra Helada, the first marine and terrestrial park of the Valencia region and rises majestically behind the Mediterranean.

The various organised routes will unlock the secrets of its coves, its fauna and flora, to visit the Albir lighthouse or head out to Punta del Cavallo. For the more adventurous, the crossing of the Serra Gelada is perfect for hiking, with a distance of 8 km and a duration of about 4 hours.

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Hi @visitBenidorm ,

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Hi @JavieraAu

Sorry for the misunderstood I will stop posting from here and I will start post from my personal account :slight_smile:

Thank you for your understanding @visitBenidorm . I will be on the lookout for your future posts. :slight_smile: