Sibillini National Park – Infernaccio Gorges

Infernaccio Gorges (in italian Gole dell’Infernaccio) is perhaps the most famous, spectacular and sought-after destination of Sibillini National Park in Montefortino territory. It’s a natural gorge formed by Tenna river, located between Priora Mount and the Sibyl. From this place, rich in history and legends, you can take an excursion walking many paths and tracks of various degrees of difficulty and reach places such as the the San Leonardo hermitage, and continuing Rio Waterfall or arriving to Sources of Tenna (Capotenna).


At the beginning of the path that leads to the entrance of the gorge, you will cross the water streams that descend from Zampa Mount, form the famous “Pisciarelle”:

a small cascades where drops of water that fall from the rocks above form a curious effect similar to a huge shower. On sunny days its rays pass through these drops creating a spectacular play of colors unimaginable and indescribable and the moss attached to the rocky wall is an intense green that seems almost fake. Small wonders of nature that we advise you to observe and enjoy while fully enjoying the benefit that these will give you.

Here the sounds of nature are symphonies and marvelous harmonies: the murmur of the river that suddenly emerges from mysterious meanders, which flows among the stones and juggles in this impervious gorge, the flow of streams and small jumps of the small waterfalls that are heard in distance will be the background of your journey. During the winter season the area is at high risk of avalanches because of its conformation and it is therefore inadvisable to go into late spring.

Full article: Infernaccio Gorges

Michele Paoletti - Google Local Guide Level 8


This is a wonderful nature view near my country,13.2792896,0a,75y,349.5h,87.07t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sAF1QipMU1esZmTnfUSBWhu-CfbadUVhmrWx83i4R5o2b!2e10


Ciao @Michele_Paoletti ,

a distanza di un anno e mezzo ci si risente. Complimenti per il badge che hai ottenuto nel frattempo, e che ti permette di inserire la tua splendida immagine anche così

Anche quest’anno ci siamo girati attorno, passando dalle marche: 10-Giugno-30-Giugno-Meet-ups-nel-Parco-dei-Monti-sibillini

all’Umbria: Giornata-CleanValnerina

con una sosta a Vallo di Nera: Vallo-di-Nera-The-Castle-of-the-Valley/ dove anche io ho inserito un piccolo virtual tour.

Perché non ci racconti un pò di piu della Gola dell’Infernaccio? Come ci si arriva, dove fermarsi li vicino per dormire, e soprattutto perché bisogna vederla.

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Grazie mille per i consigli e per la condivisione della foto appena ho tempo ed entro da pc modifico e racconto un po’ la mia avventura😁

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Grazie a te. La prossima volta che sono dalle tue parti, magari ci incontriamo oppure, se ti va di spostarti un po’, abbiamo un evento sul Vino a novembre a Treviso @Michele_Paoletti

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Hi @Michele_Paoletti

I have released your post from quarantine, and merged with your previous post about the same subject.

Plese keep a conversation about a subject all in the same thread.

This will make it easy to read, and to reply


Wow! Thank you for the magical description of the Sibillini National Park, @Michele_Paoletti . I’m always happy to see such wonerful nature spots. It kind of reminds me of a Kroshuna waterfalls here, in Bulgaria.


Thank you, wow amazing!

Hi guys, how are you? This is the update (2020) about Infernaccio Gorges’.

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Ciao @Michele_Paoletti ,

Bentornato e grazie per aver condiviso questo video con noi! La Gola dell’Infernaccio sembra un posto molto interessante che sicuramente vale la pena visitare, come il resto del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini.

Nel caso non lo avessi ancora visto, ti suggerisco questo articolo dove spero tu possa trovare utili consigli: How to convey size and scale in your photos.

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