Show us your museum/gallery photos

A lot of us love the museum and gallery. They are full of art treasures of all kinds.

I like to visit these places and photograph what I saw.

It can be the artefact itself or the whole environment with visitors like you and me.

A good photo needs observation and patience.

It’s like hunting for the right moment.


Hi @OliverKIWI

Thanks for starting this interesting topic on Connect and for sharing your photos from different museums and galleries you visited.

Below you will find my photos at Pergamonmuseum in Berlin and Musee d’Orsay in Paris:


@KatyaL Thank you - Wow! Pergamonmuseum in Berlin is Ginormous!!

Haha! Just saw the sign at the second photo - is it no photo or no flash photo?
I studied a little bit of Art History myself, so museum and art gallery is top of my list:)

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Hi @OliverKIWI ,

Thanks for your reply. I’d love to see more of your photos at museums and galleries.

To answer to your question, the second photo was captured with no flash and the first one with black/white settings.

If you’re interested in exploring different cultural or art museum and galleries, you can have a look at the Google Arts and culture project. You can even zoom into the artworks and I hope you’ll like it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great! @KatyaL I have this app already. The more I used it, the more the travel bug hits me :slightly_smiling_face:

Added 3 more photos from my visit to Gallery Of Modern Art (GOMA) in Brisbane featuring Cai Guoqinag 's work in my original post. Hope you like them.

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