SHORE TEMPLE, 8th Century Wonder, Built during 700 to 728AD MAHABALIPURAM INDIA

It was a long pending desire to visit these monuments in Mahabalipuram near Chennai Tami Nadu India.

During my last trip to Chennai from Bengaluru, I hired a cab to visit this


Driving on ECR East Coast Road was interesting. It’s an National Highway on Coastal Tamil Nadu, covering important towns.

It’s a huge complex of Templs, rock cut Monuments, and one needs at least two days if they wanted to see each one and Photograph it.

Apart from Shore Temple one can see wonder Pancha Rathas, Decent of the Ganges,Krishna Butter Ball and many more including British build Light House.

I took 100s of Photos and Videos for Google Map.

Here sharing only few of SHORE TEMPLE M


Really nice place, good pictures

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We are really lucky, because we have inherited a very rich culture. Mahabalipuram is an example. Hope, you have enjoyed the other temples and the sea shore there.

Thanks for your submission.
