Photography has a lots of effect and influence on people, it is a character defining allowing you to express different feelings when you take one and share it with people.
People tendency to love a place after seeing some photos will be high, even before they hear about it from some one or read any comments or reviews about it. me myself before visiting a place i am checking the photos, if i like it i might continue to the comments and reviews, if i do not like the photos i will skip it without reading or checking further.
For Photographers, taking a good photo makes them happy and give them a relief like a thirsty person drinking gold glass of water, it helps them to start seeing the details in the world that they live in, seeing the details will give you more chance to have better understanding of life through your lens.
Now connecting people who are trying to explore around with people who have seen the details better will be a privilege and the out come will be satisfying for both, and where you can find a better place to do this than google maps.
loving photos and detail is my thing, i started my photos few year ago and still trying to improve it and looking for platforms where i can share those photos trying to reach out as much people as i can, i enjoy it and i can share this enjoyment with others and help them at the same time.
Thanks google for give us all this great platform where every one is happy.