Sharing what I love most in using Google Maps! <3

Convenience, Security and Family are the top core values that I have. My every decision is affected by these 3 values. I consider these when I am looking into places to go.

  • Is the place accessible?
  • Are there alternate routes?
  • Would it be safe to be here in other time?
  • Is security protocol and emergency signs in place?
  • Is the place family friendly?
  • How is the service?

Most of the time ask this and actively look for it into the places and establishments I go to. My idea of a great adventure is a planned and well thought-of one. Miss one of these details and I will surely have doubts on going these places unless there is no other option.

Directions -

Places with directions and how-to’s is a must for me. Alternative routes & suggestions is a great deal already. Tips on where to go left and precisely go right is a pleasant surprise!

Reviews -

Sharing reviews and comments about the place makes and breaks some visit. Some establishment maybe really good in pictures and their ads but people’s experience and perspectives on a place a valuable information that I personally appreciate.


Shared photos from customers depicts what the place is all about. Current and True is how I want my “receipts” are.

Google Maps answers all what I need for an enjoyable travel. Do you agree?