Sharing on Google Maps Story

My story about sharing on Google Maps? Well…going to different restaurants, hotels or even hair dressers salons, I was able to see, on more than one occasion, that the pictures found online, posted by the owners, were very advantageous, and didn’t necessarily portray the truth. Since I didn’t want people to get fooled by false imagery, I decide to take my own pictures and write reviews that I could then share with the world, without adding the commercial make-up that is seldom found on personal websites or Facebook pages. By taking these actions I was able to help other people who were maybe planning on visiting the same places I have but weren’t too sure about their choices. My real pictures and real reviews were decisive factors for a lot of tourists and even for some other local guides.

I strongly believe that being a Local Guide is all about helping the community. Just as I plan my visits to different places according to what other local guides have to say, so do other people plan their daily activities, according to what I write. It’s a pretty big responsibility but it’s one that I take one with great satisfaction and pleasure.

Hi @Marta2012

I have removed the Romanian language tag from your post because your post is not written in the Romanian language.