QR code (quick-response code; a type of two-dimensional matrix barcode) ,invented in 1994, by Denso Wave co.,Japan. It’s very very useful and easy to share our Photos, Reviews, Places and…etc., instead of the shared URLs.
Step-1 | QR Code on Google Maps

Google Maps now provides us QR code option, additon to the shared URL. Just click the icon on the upper right corner to grab the QR code. and then, you can show it to your mates, clients, followers, subscribers…or so.
step-2 | scan QR code with the camera app.

Scan it, see it and sorted.
It’s very easy to share our contributions, findings and thoughts on Maps. No more apps. Almost all of the pre-installed camera app support to scan the QR code.
step-3 | Here is mine.

Scan it now! you can view my 360 photo on Maps, captured with GoPro MAX on the top of Kazefuki-Iwa(The giant rock, one of the most popular place in Rokko Mountains).
Hope you enjoy!