Hello Local Guides, Happy New Year everyone.
The new year is always a new beginning, a beginning that can be in continuity with the previous year or dedicated to change.
The same goes for our contributions as Local Guides.
How was yours?
Mine wanted to be symbolic in many ways, with a sense of continuity but also of transition.
For the first time in many years I wanted, and looked for, two images linked to each other, even if of two different places. Two images that, given the type of place, will have very few views, but which have great value for me.
They are photos of two small hydroelectric plants, of which my region is very rich, so they produce clean and environmentally friendly energy. This is the continuity between the old and the new year, with a signal that wants to be of hope for a cleaner environment.
Last of 2022
I wanted to end the year with a nocturnal image. It was a picture I’d wanted to take for a long time, but it wasn’t until December 29th that I had the opportunity to be in that place at the right time.
I had to wander a bit in the dark alleys across the lake from the power plant to find the location I wanted. I took a series of images and chose the one that best symbolically represented the end of the year, with the warm light reflected on the surface of the lake, and above the maintenance tunnels with the comet star, symbol of Christmas, positioned at the top.
Here you can explore Nove Power Station in Google Maps
First of 2023
The first image of 2023 in Google Maps at this point was a natural consequence: another hydroelectric plant, photographed on the morning of January 1, to symbolize the dawn of the New Year.
The sun was starting to light up the valley, but the power plant was still in the shade. I wanted to take a wide field photo, to represent the plant in the context of the environment that surrounded it.
Here you can explore Enel Green Power Fadalto in Google Maps
Share Your Photos
Do you also want to share the story of your two photos that close 2022 and open 2023?
Are they related to each other or are they part of two different moments?
Why did you choose to upload exactly those?
Share your story in a reply here below, and Happy New Year again