Severin - Medieval fortress

Everything breathes history in this corner. The most beautiful words about these legendary places were written by Alexandru Vlahuta in his famous book “Romania’s picturesque”: "A fortress once strengthened, defended by a deep trench which, at a time of distress, filled it in a moment The Danube, so having a shield of water from all sides, clutching it like a loved child, under her protective arm. " Those who will step in this space when the gates of the city will open in front of them will have the opportunity to admire elements of military architecture, the walls of the enclosure, the defense towers, the fortification chapel, whose story is totally different. "During the archaeological excavations made during the interwar period, the traces of two superstructures were discovered. It is a first-ever construction that was probably built at the beginning of the 12th century, which also related to those funerary complexes. It seems to have worked until the great invasion of the Tartars. After things settle down and the retreating nets to the north of the Black Sea began the actions of building Severin’s fortification in the vicinity of this chapel. Somewhere at the beginning of the 14th century, when other works of restoration of the fortress are attested, the first chapel is simply bred. On its foundation stands another construction, the traces of which we can now see from materials used in alternation, brick-stone. It worked until the beginning of the 16th century, when the fortification was destroyed by the Turks. The medieval fortress of Severin is a place full of history, an important landmark on the map of Oltenia