Seven Sisters - Incredible India

Yep, pre-British arena, Mughals ruled India for 300+ years but could never conquer its North Eastern states - popularly known as "Seven Sisters"

I was fortunate enough to touch all the Seven beautifuls last December.

May pls travel with me to some most beautiful, adventurous and exclusive terrains in India - #TheGreat7SistersRun

#Roadographer #localguidesconnect




** @TheRoadographer **

Nice Photo … and Your Post…

I would Like to Read more About Seven Sisters…

Thanks for This post…

Regards From Mumbai…


Thanks @Shrut19 must pls read the Full blog specially FAQs

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@TheRoadographer like @Shrut19 mentioned I would like to learn more about your trip! What would you recommend to a visitor?


@TheRoadographer looks really beautiful! How long did it take you to visit all seven states?


Hi @DanniS this was a quick RUN of 8000+ KMs ex New Delhi in 16 days, could explore Arunachal Pradesh in details and touched the rest six in this time frame. You need to have MINIMUM 30 days to explore it

Hi @VasT pls read the full blog, specially the FAQs, still you have queries, pls ask me hete. Would try to answer to the best of my knowledge.

Wow that’s impressive @TheRoadographer ! :slight_smile: You’re quite the traveler.

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Thanks @DanniS yep, motored almost all Indian states, except Sikkim, on Mainland India…

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@TheRoadographer thank you for your suggestion! Keep in mind that when sharing more information about the images you upload will help others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.

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Point noted @VasT

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