Seeking For knowledgeable Journey In Taiwan? Why I Love Museum So Much

Traveling outside in Taiwan during particular season could be very hot and painful.
On 2017 there was certain traveler who got heat exhaustion on his vacation and sent to the hospital.
Travelers easily under anticipate the effect the hot temperature when they can get water easily.
Exposure a long period is not just enough by drinking water, also having proper rest is essential especially for traveling over 3 days.
I love to schedule partial time of my journey in museums, it’a good way that you can get some rest, hide for the heat.
The best part is, you may also learn something or get to know somewhere fast.
Here is my list for some of the best museums in Taiwan(my perspective, of course)
I’ve include some description on it, you’re welcome to discuss with me
Have a nice trip!


Added your list!! Thanks :slight_smile:

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I hope someday you could visit one of these museum on my list :slight_smile:

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