Kashmir experienced its first snowfall of the season on December 27, 2024, bringing relief after a prolonged dry spell.
The first snowfall in Kashmir brought much-needed hope for local residents, addressing multiple challenges posed by the prolonged dry spell. The snow not only replenishes water sources critical for agriculture but also provides relief from health issues caused by harsh sub-zero temperatures during the dry period. This natural shift is a lifeline for farmers, ensuring better irrigation, and for communities, promising improved overall well-being.
If Kashmir receives ample snowfall during the 40-day period of harsh winter, known as the Chillai Kalan, it will be beneficial for the summer months. The snow acts as a natural reservoir, gradually melting to feed rivers, streams, and irrigation systems, ensuring adequate water supply for agriculture and drinking purposes. A good snowfall during this period is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and supporting the region’s livelihood.
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