- goodfood in bali
- Seafood in bali
- Pick your fish
- Foreign tongue
- Local tongue
- Lobster
- Prawn
- Grill Seafood
- Octopus
- Squid
- Local Cuisine
- Great View
- Best Restaurant
- Restaurant
- Fried Rice
- Nasi Goreng
- Tasty Food
- makanan enak
- Restaurant bintang 5
- Best food in bali
- Mangrove view
Hello @Mahakarya ,
By the way, I’ve noticed that your post has an Indonesian language label. Please note that I’ve removed it as your post is written in English.
To learn more about those labels I recommend you to take a look at the following article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.
Please take a moment to recap: How to choose a topic for your Connect post and 14 helpful tips for using Connect.
P.S.: Don’t forget to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself - July 2021 thread.