Cox’s Bazar home of the worlds longest sea beach.
Cox’s Bazar presents a quaint image of living by the sea with its never-ending ribbon of sand. Children, full of energy and smiles, navigate handmade boats, known as “Sampan” in the local vernacular, over the breaking waves.
These improvised boats, shaped by deft fingers, glide on the waves, guided by childhood fantasies and desires. Children of fishermen join in the fun, their laughter casting echoes of the vast ocean throughout the air. Here, on Cox’s Bazar’s sun-kissed coastlines, the carefree delight of childhood melds with the steady rhythm of the waves to create a touching scene that lasts long after the sun sets.
These boats are made with betel leaves and other dry brown tree parts.
Video Of Children Playing with their homemade boat : Sea Serenity