Hello world,
Group pluck card COVID awareness message photos are viral now. Let’s make the difference, why we cant make a video?.
In this lock down time, I’m planning to make a COVID awareness video for all the people around the world with my Local Guides. So, if you are interested please join with me and say your own message to your people in your own Language ending with “Stay Home Stay Safe”, then provide me your 1 minute video clip (Maximum 60 seconds).
What you need to do?
Record your catchy video with proper light and good manner, send me that file or drive downloadable link and the texts. Make sure that video not extended more than 60 seconds.
Then What I will do it?
Final edit the complete video, I will share as a YouTube video here with you & other social media for others and you can post it too wherever you want. (If you are agree this, you can join with us).
So, everything is okay, please send the video before 25th April.
If more people from the same country / Language?
If more people from the same country or same Language, I will club it as much possible.
Video Timeline format (for eg…)
Say Hi to your people. ( eg. "Hello KSA My name is Riyas Moosa or Hi " )
Say your own short message in your own language ( I hope all of you are safe … )
End your video with saying “Stay Home Stay Safe”
Conclude with Thanks.
For reference :-
“Hello KSA, my name is Riyas Moosa… I hope, all of you are safe. In this situation please stay home, don’t go outside without any urgency, if you want to go, must wear hand gloves and mask. Then wash your hands when comeback. So, dears, kindly stay home… stay safe… thanks”
So, please tag your friends who are from other Languages, let us show our unity and let us make the difference.
Due to the time difference, we are not able to communicate by the same time so, once you are ready for share your video, please join via below Google Hangout link.
Hangout Link: https://hangouts.google.com/group/uJv74bZmU6DufkYE9
You can share your thoughts and ideas on below comments and through Hangout messages.
Stay safe Stay Home.