Sarapan tradisional (tradisional breakfast)

Today’s tradisional breakfast menu. There is sour soup, fried fish, chili shrimp paste, and the most important thing is rise.


Hi @sennypuspa

Glad to see your post here on connect and welcome .

Oh my God that’s my fav breakfast , spicy chili , that’s so … Indonesian .

Ny the way because I’m Sundanese I love salad also or fresh vegetables and rice , yes even I’m breakfast with my much of bread I still feel hungry without rice .

Thank you for sharing your story

Thanks for your review @Nyainurjanah . I’m glade to know you…salam :pray:

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My pleasure @sennypuspa

Wanna know more other fellow local guides ? don’t hesitate for introduce your self ,show yourself with us here Forum perkenalan ,

Thank you so much


Pagi-pagi sarapan pakai sayur asem, ikan goreng, dan sambal terasi memang tidak pernah salah, @sennypuspa . Tinggal ditambah kerupuk, uuhh… sempurnaa…

Btw saya penasaran dengan sayur asemnya. Kalau di nJombang sayur asemnya pakai sayuran apa saja? Ijo-ijo sepertinya kacang panjang, ya?

Wah…memang mantap mas @iorikun301 . kalau di jombang pakai kangkung sama kacang panjang, biasanya juga ditambah terong kecil.

Hello @sennypuspa ,

Usually in the Food & Drink board, the Local Guides share their own experience with trying unique dishes. That way other members of the Connect community may have the opportunity to discover and learn about great cuisine from different parts of the world. Therefore, it is important to make your posts as detailed as possible. For example, what interesting information can you share about this dish? Did you make it? What is the recipe?

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