Sao Paolo is not Brazil

Hi I’m Claudia, I’m a woman, mother, witch, artisan, jeweler, housewife, and brazilian.

I was born and I have always lived in Sao Paolo. My ancestors were from Portugal, Spain, Lebanon, Georgia and only God knows what else.

I love life, nature, my family, and the truth, and I hate injustice, so I would like that the whole world understands once and for all that Sao Paolo is not Brazil.

When the not informed civilized world thinks about SP, they immediately associate it with Brazil, soccer, Carnival, Amazonia country, the corruption country or even worse with the nice Brazilian people that prostitute themselves salting our game.

Here in SP we are citizens of the world, because it is a cosmopolitan city with 12 million inhabitants, the biggest city of Latin America.

We are not corrupt or prostitutes and there are no animals walking on the streets here.

Our city is one the world gastronomy capitals where you can buy and eat whatever you want or dream from almost anywhere in the world.

We have the third largest food wholesaler in the world and the largest in Latin America, called Ceasa; and our state is blessed with the presence of one of the largest freshwater springs on the planet, the Guarani aquifer.

Besides, we have a huge variety of cultural events, which, unfortunately, makes it impossible to attend to the all of them.

So, if you are looking to have fun and eat something really fantastic, you will love Sao Paolo.

But be prepared, it is a powerful city with an expensive cost of life. We can say that it is a bipolar city that you can love and hate at the same time, where you can eat, study and do whatever you want since you pay for it.

We are friendly and so open hearted that you can find foreigners from more than 50 countries, living, working and being themselves. They live here with their own culture, religion, food and all habits, exactly the way they live in their home. In short, we offer them the peace and opportunity they can’t find in their own native country, after all they become part of the city. It’s the same with our own people who lives all over Brazil. Everyone wants to live and work in Sao Paolo, because it is where the things happen. That is why the whole world comes here!

However, this do not happen the other way around. Instead we have to refrain ourselves, to fit in different cultures, praying to not be labelled like prostitute when we live abroad.

As everything has a price, we pay highly for it, being a violent and expensive city, with too much stress and chaotic traffic. Moreover, the social inequality is scary, you can find Beverly Hills, but there are also the worst of India or Africa, like big favelas with open sewage and all kinds of violence you can imagine.

If there wasn’t so much corruption and if all taxes paid were reversed for us, we could surely change this scenario and be a first world country.

Maybe one day.

We work hard and who lives here lives anywhere!


Very interesting post. It resembles a protest write up. I read through it and was surprised that such disparity exist within Sao Paulo.

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Thanks! You are my first reader. And yes, unfortunately exists.