Santa On Connect?Thank U Everyone❤️‍🩹

In a few days we will be changing calendars. Maybe some of us have changed them already. Some of us will be going on holidays and maybe some of us are on holidays already,happy holidays to all and a great 2024 ahead. It’s been an interesting and nice year together. I am happy for the few achievements and milestone I have achieved here on connect and in life in general. Hope you are happy as well and can appreciate all who made 2023 what it has been for you. Feel free to tag them all and say " Thank U" in the comment box below.

Aside getting the achievement of The moderator badge this 2023,I was also featured for organising TRAC . Having the TRAC initiative is one of my greatest feat and achievement for this outgoing year 2023. On that initiative I have appreciated meeting and interacting with @Lukas_1 the top man on roads on Google maps worldwide and a major contributor on TRAC . Thank you sir !!!

@MarcoDavoli it’s hard to ddescribe you, as a person,a responsible and loyal statistician and team mate. A nice personality in general. It’s been a good ride with you this 2023 Thank you.

@Berete1 is worth a mention in this thank you post. You rose from zero to Hero all of a sudden and out of the blues. I remember when your account was suspended Lol. Its commendable how you have become professional on adding roads and having good impact on TRAC. Thank you

Thank you everyone

@MrFreez this year has seen us having physical and virtual meet-ups and closer interactions together as local guides and even as friends in the normal world. Remember the call about word art on Microsoft making up that list,Lol.You have become my home boy and help mate. I enjoyed your 30-DAY-MAP-CONTRIBUTIONS-CAMPAIGN too,Thank you.

Shout out to @MrLabule as well if you need a local guide to count on for meet-up and some other things he is there in Lagos Nigeria thank you.To cap it up, the entire TRAC team this goes out to you all. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to improve road network on Google maps. There are other prominent members on TRAC I didn’t tag,please don’t take it personal Biswajit PrasadVR TravellerG Terry PG etc My TRAC team is one of the best team among local guides. I love you all. :kissing_heart:

The whole connect moderator team and family especially @EmekaUlor @Sagir and @KashifMisidia it’s been a nice time joining up with you all and working together. It’s not possible to tag and thank you all one after the other. Thank you kindly everyone.

Oh yes @JustJake here is one for you. @jayasimha78 thank you indeed

Maybe I should say thank you to Googlers as well, the whole Google team and local guides team the different once behind the scenes of technical issues. Although we don’t see most of you but we feel your impact and appreciate your work on the local guides program and on Google maps.Now to all local guides worldwide who I have not been able to tag or mention here as a result of tagging limit on this post I SAY THANK U…

Happy 2024

Happy guiding



Holiday came early for me as it’s been more than a week already and days are simply running fast.
It’s been a wonderful year all round and I 'm happy we got to connect on different occasions this year! Thank you @SholaIB for the consistent motivation.


I feel honored to be mentioned in your post as been impactful @SholaIB .

Im also thankful for your general support both on and off connect. You always hold it down with consistent check up even in the darkest days of my academic thesis :joy: .
Local Connect has indeed connected us and a lo lot more others.

Let the light keep shining. Happy 2024 in advance mon ami.


Once again thank you very much for New #Team TRAC 2023 dear moderater @SholaIB Happy festival vibes :christmas_tree:


Very Very glad I mentioned my below sir @SholaIB I can’t say enough to describe your kindness to the local guides when my account was excluded from the local guide program I had no hope left but you assisted me until my account was restored this allowed me to help the users of the Google Maps map because today I have more than 8k of route on Google Maps on my profile I will never forget without forgetting the other friends of the TRAC @Lukas_1 @MarcoDavoli @MrFreez I can’t mention everything here Thank you everyone bonne fête to all


Mr. @SholaIB , very kind of you to consider me for your list. I appreciate what you’ve done to reignite my passion for mapping this year. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and the TRAC Team better in your posts, the Telegram group, and around Connect. I am very grateful for getting to better know Lukas_, MarcoDavoli, and @PrasadVR

I have to thank the Top 100 crew for all the work going on behind the scenes to keep the Leaderboards going and growing - @AdamGT is THE MAN, and I appreciate the friendship we’ve developed over the years. My bestest Connect buddy, @TerryPG - thank you for your kindness, humor, and passion - I’m so thankful we’ve connected through this group. @Mikeinthefalls & Mo-TravelleerX, thank you both for your friendship this year & it’s been great getting to know you better. @Rednewt74 & MortenCopenhagen I appreciate your energy in educating me & helping all of us become better LGs. I also appreciate katydarhel, MelTG @Stephanie_OWL , LightRich, EvaBar, IzzyOz, DshottDennis (lookin’ good in the new profile pic, BTW, Dennis!) & a few others for their “Vote” of confidence :wink: and putting up with my hijinks.

The #statechallenge / #bardchallenge Trivia Leaders - @Denise_Barlock (and Jojo) & jayasimha78 – thank you for taking the time and energy to provide this great monthly escape. Always great to see @Prince_Kumar , @AZ_2021 , SilvyC, RosyKohli, and all the gang.

The one thing that ties together this entire group that I’ve tagged {and couldn’t tag because of the 10 @ limit :triumph: } here is how you all have expanded my exposure to different parts of the world. It is incredible to know that I’m conversing directly with folks on seven continents. You’ve all helped open my eyes and broaden my understanding of your cultures and countries. That is what’s most amazing about this year.

Lastly, Shola, please remove my unauthorized photo from your post. I did not give permission to be featured in the cover image, and I’ve told you to stop calling me Smaller Fellow. Thank you.

Sorry to those I could not tag because of the @ limit. I hope you see this or already know how much I appreciate you all!


@SholaIB Congratulations on all your achievements in 2023. Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024!


@JustJake , Thanks for your kind words in your comments about me. I value your companionship during and even after TRAC.


@JustJake you have said a lot here and agree with everything, and the same back to you Buddy, I am honored to be your friend.


@JustJake ,

I am glad if I have helped you in any way. I have enjoyed my first (partial) year on Connect and have learned more than I ever imagined.


You are welocme @ShailendraOjha . Happy you are very active on the group. Good vibes always.



Haha @JustJake

That’s typical of the little santa claus. You will not get permission to leave my post nor connect. You’ll enjoy being there after sometime don’t worry.

We hope for even more sense of humour next year Jake.



Hallo @SholaIB und danke dir für diesen Beitrag!

Die Community ist ein fester Bestandteil meines Lebens!

Dieses Jahr war ein schlimmes, schwieriges Jahr für mich.

Dankbar bin ich, es geschafft und sozusagen auch "überlebt* zu haben.

Mein wieder eintauchen in diese großartige Gemeinschaft war ein warmes, herzliches Gefühl von Willkommen und Akzeptanz.

Ich bin so dankbar für die vielen wunderbaren Beiträge die mein Herz vor Freude hüpfen lassen können!

Einen Einblick in andere Winkel dieser erstaunlichen Welt zu bekommen.

Freunde in anderen Ländern zu wissen, sich auszutauschen und durch alles Sprachbarrieren hinweg rege kommunizieren zu können ist ein Geschenk!

@TerryPG in Kanada… Ich werde im kommenden Jahr wieder Beaver Tails backen und dabei an dich denken!

@JustJake wenn die sinnflutartigen Regenfälle der vergangenen Monate hier aufhören und die Temperaturen wieder angenehmer werden, steige ich auf mein Motorrad und werde an dich denken!

@PattyBlack wenn ich anfange die Geschenke für den übernächsten Adventskalender zu basteln (für 2024 bin ich bereits fertig :rofl: ) oder Kekse backe und Gelee koche, werde ich an dich denken!

@AdamGT wenn ich an deine eiserne Disziplin denke die monatlichen Bestenlisten herauszubringen und damit Großartiges zu leisten, werde ich mich beflügelt fühlen. Eine winzige Portion von deinem Spirit und 2024 kann kommen!

@LightRich Buzz… Du hast mir geholfen, mehr als du dir vorstellen kannst meinen Weg hierher zurück zu finden. Deine unkomplizierte Art mir Dinge zu erklären war wunderbar.

@Rednewt74 irgendwie bist du überall :rofl: Was du machst, machst du mit ganzem Herzen und sehr strukturiert. Ich liebe es deinen Ausführungen zu folgen.

@AZ_2021 auch dein Jahr 2023 war nicht immer so gut? Wir haben uns wenig gesehen/gelesen aber ich freue mich auf die Beiträge von 2024 mein virtueller Zwilling

Ab alle die ich nicht getagged habe, an alle die mit Depressionen zu kämpfen haben und alle Local Guides … Ich wünsche euch eine schöne restliche, friedliche Zeit und kommt gut ins kommende Jahr!!!


Dear @SholaIB ,

As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve had, and I can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for your exceptional leadership in steering us through this year’s road mapping achievements.

Your strategic vision, meticulous planning, and unwavering commitment have been the driving forces behind our collective road adding success. Your determination has not only inspired confidence but has motivated the entire TRAC team.

Thank you for being a beacon of inspiration, for your tireless dedication in your campaings and for creating an environment where everyone feels like being a part of something bigger than themselves. It’s been a wonderful year under your guidance, and I look forward to the continued success and growth that the future holds for each and ever member of the TRAC team.

Wishing you a well-deserved break and looking forward to another year of exciting accomplishments.

To all of the members of the TRAC team and especially @JustJake , @MarcoDavoli , @Berete1 and @ErmesT , thank you for helping me grow and showing me how great teammates can be. I cannot imagine overcoming this year’s challenges both professional and personal without your motivation.

I thank You Shola and all of you TRAC team for helping millions of users get where they need. What a year, what a group. A renaissance for road mapping.


Grazie Stephie tesoro, sei una persona dolcissima e speciale, mi da sempre una grande gioia leggerti e sono stata felicissima del tuo rientro qui su Connect. Dovremmo aprire un laboratorio di babbo natale insieme @Stephanie_OWL :smile: ho già il diario natalizio pieno di appunti per i prossimi progetti!

@SholaIB molto divertente il babbo natale col nostro simbolo preferito :grinning: :clap: :clap:

Buon natale a tutti :evergreen_tree: Divertitevi!


Aw thank you so much @Stephanie_OWL my twin. You are too kind. I look forward to your posts. :blue_heart:


Aw love this thoughtful article @SholaIB . Love your kind holidays shoutout and so happy to see your TRAC program has been so successful and impactful. :sparkling_heart:

Thank you as well @JustJake for the kind tag. It’s always fun to hear from you my neighbor. :sparkling_heart: I also got a good giggle from your humorous take on the photo that Shola posted. :rofl:

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A Belated thankyou to @SholaIB for mentioning me and I can’t wait for the next TRAC campaign, and thanks also to @Stephanie_OWL I love to see you posting again. Looking forward to the Beaver Tails.

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same here @JustJake , i always enjoy with you all in the state challenge and learn some new knowledge and do some fun and interesting things :smiley:

sorry for replying late as I was not so active here in recent days due to busy schedule :pensive:

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Thanks @SholaIB
2023 is an amazing year.
It’s great connecting and working with you :slightly_smiling_face: . Every moment we share together is a memorable one :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Looking forward to more collaborative 2024…
Happy New Year :confetti_ball: