Sancochado de res


Hey @pabloflores and welcome to Connect!

I’m so happy to see you here and I also want to thank you for sharing this lovely photo with the community. All this food looks so colourful and I’m sure that it tasted amazing too. Did you prepare it all by yourself? If yes, I’m really impressed by your cooking skill and I am also curious to find out how much time did it took you? Meat definitely takes some time to cook, especially if you have to leave it overnight to marinate. I’m also very interested in learning a little bit more about every single dish that sits on the table. Is this like a typical Perùvian lunch?

Looking forward to your reply! :slight_smile:


@pabloflores ohh that’s a lot of food. Thanks for the pictures .


Hi @KlaudiyaG ,

Yes, this food is amazing and very natural, only vegetables and meat, the cooking isn’t altogether, it’s according to the times of each ingredient, separately, but in the same broth so that the taste is really spectacular. The preparation about 2 to 3 hours aprox, in this case I did with my brother-in-law, we are both fans of food. The “Sancochado” is a typical Peruvian lunch for the winter, accompanied only by varieties of Chilies because the food contains carrots, green beans, leeks, celery, turnip, white potatoes, cabbage, cassava and tender corn*. I totally recommend them.*

…Sorry for my late answer


@Bokor_Rahman Do you believe that ???.. jajajaja… i don’t know… for me no ;-))) … this dish is one of my favorites… in Perú exist a lot variety of dishes… look this dish… 3 in 1… enjoying in this moment


Wow, I thought that the picture was taken in a restaurant. Good job with the cooking! Everything looks like it was prepared by professionals. Are you sure you or your brother in law isn’t a cook by profession? :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your reply, @pabloflores ! Looking forward to your future posts.

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jajaajajaja not … but thanks for your words @KlaudiyaG , i appreciate so much… we’re cooks by passion, it’s a hobby only… for the weekends, for the family… I wish you could try Peruvian food, you will love it and you will be another fan

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There’s no doubt about it, @pabloflores ! I can’t say that I’m a good cook, but I’m a great foodie and trying different types of cuisines is one of my most beloved hobby. :slight_smile:

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