Sanchi Archaeological Museum.

Caption Sanchi Archaeological Museum MP India.

Caption Sir John Marshall Memorial Sanchi MP India.

Sanchi one of the World Heritage Site and India’s oldest structure situated on a secluded hill and was commissioned by the Emperor Ashoka the great in 3rd century BC. It’s one of my most favourite location and a Buddhist pilgrimage too.

Sanchi Archaeological Museum is situated before the World Heritage Site. Since 13th century AD it was disappeared and was rediscovered by Taylor in 1818 AD. Later Sir John Marshall who had given a rebirth to this Buddhist Monument by his untired efforts from 1912 AD to 1919 AD. He displayed all his findings in a small museum close to the site thereafter it was shifted in to the School building which was converted into the museum and all Antiquities were shifted to this museum. It has verandahs, main hall and four galleries all are used to display the antique items some were discovered from nearby to areas. Among the displayed antiques, few are rare, belongs to the period from 3rd century BC to Medieval period. Among these sculptures and artefacts Ashoka’s pillar capital, a four lions seated back to back, other pillars remains including the damaged remains of Great Stupa’s Southern gateway.
In the main hall antiques of six different periods as Maurya, Shunga, Satvahan, Kushan, Gupta and Northern Gupta period, all belongs to 3rd century BC to 7th century AD.
All the four galleries are displaying the various antiques and sculptures like Stone sculptures of Buddha, miniature sculptures, iron tools, medium sized sculptures and damaged parts, photo gallery displays the rare photos and sketches etc.
A bungalow built in Gothic style was the residence of Sir John Marshall. Now it’s dedicated to Marshall and known as Sir John Marshall Memorial. All the things that were used by Marshall and the information which he found in his excavation were recorded by him are also displayed.

In the open Garden some stone pillars, Umbrellas, sculptures etc remains of Stupa which were discovered from Paguraria located near Sehore are displayed, which was an ancient Buddhist place even may be greater than Sanchi.

It’s a major attraction among the history buffs wanderers soulseekers heritage art and architecture lovers. Entry fee is nominal and various restaurants and hotels are located in the close vicinity.


@rizbab28 you have very interesting stories

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