Sambisari temple

Sambisari temple is localted at Sambisari hamlet, Purwowartani Village, Yogjakarta, Indonesia.

This temple is found by accident when a farmer digging with his hoe and struck with a carved stone.

Archeology office do excavation and reconstructin that completed on March 1987.

The temple complex consist of main temple , three Perfara in front side of the temple .

and some statues and loose artefact and the Information office.

Landscape of this temple is lower than souround area.

I make a review for this Sambisari temple.

Video can be watch :


Thank you @meghanajain for your appreciation.

Can you find a kind of this temple in your neighbourhood or your country ?

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy


@BudiFXW There are many ancient temples in India with marvellous architecture. I will surely share a post about the same once the lockdown is over and I’m able to get some beautiful pictures.


Great @meghanajain .

Plese do me a favor to mention me in your post becase I am passionate to vicit any kind of cultural heritage.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Hai, @Nuhuu , @tjwh55 , @TheEagleEye , @kasarefin , @Austinelewex , @user_not_found .

Thank you for your appreciation.

I hope you all are doing okay and in a good health condition.

Can you find any similar tampel in your soround area or your country ?


Pak @BudiFXW

This temple ,I mean Sambisari temple really new for me , wow thank you for valuable information … because I know the most Temple is Prambanan temple and Borobudur temple


Wow! Wonderful historic sites.

When were they constructed @BudiFXW .

I enjoyed the video.

Thank you for sharing it here with us on connect.


Yes @Nyainurjanah .

Prambanan and Borobudur , both are the most popular temple in Indonesia.

Actually there are thousand temple in Indonesia.

Hope I can make a list on Google Maps for temples in Indonesia.


I will surely tag you @BudiFXW and would love to share about the cultural heritage of India.


Hay @BudiFXW You Welcome


Hai @Austinelewex .

It is around 9 th century, burried because of volcanoes and found accidently and renovate that finish around 1987.


Thank you @meghanajain .

By the way I already visit your video application.

Hope you are invited to attend Connect Live 2020.

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Thank You @BudiFXW I hope the same for you :blush:

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Wah, mantap, Pak @BudiFXW

Kompleks percandian yang menarik.


Iya betul @iorikun301 .

Dia adanya ditengah tengah perumahan, jadi area parkir mobil dan parkir motorpun berada di halaman rumah orang. Ya ng aku suka adalah keramah tamahan penduduk sekitar yang menyediakan fasilitas pribadinya utuk dimanfaatkan oleh para pengunjung atau wisatawan.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Contribution never ending for find more beautiful places pak @BudiFXW . that’s why we’re local guides ,keep it up


Hal yang selalu bikin saya penasaran ketika ada penemuan kompleks percandian semacam ini, Pak @BudiFXW , adalah kenapa candinya bisa terkubur, ya?

Apakah karena bencana alam seperti tanah longsor atau banjir bandang, atau karena sebab lain?

Hal-hal semacam ini selalu bikin saya penasaran. Hehee

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Contribution never end. Ini yang kadang bikin aku bertanya-tanya, Mbak @Nyainurjanah . Kalau sudah level 10, habis itu mau ngapain, lagi, ya? Kan belum ada yang namanya level 11? Wkwkk :grinning: :grinning:

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Haha @iorikun301 target udah tercapai ya , ya selama masih sering kesana kemari sayang ka ada photo liburan gk di upload mubazir hihi

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Daripada foto-foto liburan menuh-menuhin memori hape, mending diupload ke Google Maps. Numpang tempat nge-save biar tetep bisa dilihat lagi kapan-kapan, juga sekalian narsis, ya Mbak @Nyainurjanah ? Hahaa… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :hushed: :hushed:

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