Salad Herring under a fur coat

In my family, herring under a fur coat - perhaps the most original salad. For me, there is simply no holiday if the herring is not put on the table under a fur coat.

Any housewife in Ukraine knows the recipe for its preparation, but it also has its own nuances that distinguish one Herring under a fur coat from another. Perhaps this recipe for salad Herring under a fur coat will tell you the details that will make your salad especially delicious.

Products (for 8 servings):

Herring salted large fat - 1-2 pcs.

Onions - 1 pcs.

Potatoes - 3 pcs.

Beets - 2 pcs.

Carrots - 3 pcs.

Sour apple - 2 pcs.

Mayonnaise - 200 g

Green onions - 2 feathers

Salt - 1 tsp (to taste)

Get your head out of the herring. Make a longitudinal cut along the belly and gut the fish. Run the knife along the ridge and remove the upper fin. Divide the herring into 2 fillets. Remove edge and edges. Tweezers remove small bones. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Potatoes, carrots, beets, boil separately in a uniform or bake in the oven, wrap in foil, cool. All vegetables and apples peel and grate separately. Peel the onions, wash them and chop them very finely. Wash the scallions and finely chop it too. Put a layer of herring on the dish, on top - a layer of onion, smear with mayonnaise. Next, put a layer of potatoes, add salt, grease with mayonnaise. Then follow alternately layers of beets and carrots. Salt each layer, soak in mayonnaise. Put the last layer of apples. Align the edges, brush the top and sides with mayonnaise. Salad sprinkle with green onions. Put salad herring under a fur coat in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Herring under the fur coat is ready.

Enjoy your meal!



Я конечно же рыбу не люблю, если она не красная. Но я кушал это блюдо

I certainly do not like fish, if it is not red. But I ate this dish


Но мои любимые блюда, это окрошка, оливье, и печёночный торт

But my favorite food is okroshka, olivier, and liver cake


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