Rwandan Birds

Rwanda is believed to host more than seven hundred of confirmed bird species that lives across the country’s hilly landscape; it feels like, if you see a tree, and look carefully, you will surely spot a bird. Below are a couple of photos I managed to take during my adventures.

How does birds look like in your country? Please share!


Hi @Karatrick ,

I love your animal photography, thanks for sharing!

In Denmark we only have small common birds and smaller birds of prey. The big eagles like the one in your photo, has always been one of my favorites.

You managed to take some great shots here.

What camera are you using to shoot in the wild?

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Hello @MortenSI Thank you,

I use NIKON D3000 and SONY NEX-5N most of the times, but i’m studying an affordable way to utilize my smartphone to capture distant birds.

Denmark seem to be an interesting country, Please share some post if any. Cheers!

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I’m looking for an affordable DSLR so the Nikon might be the way to go @Karatrick .

I actually made a post not to long ago about Visiting Copenhagen on a budget, if you want to have a look at it.

Are you looking for an entirely new smartphone for shooting purposes?

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@MortenSI Ohhh Woaw, Your post Visiting Copenhagen on a budget is great now thinking of adding Copenhagen this this list of places that i want to visit Places i want to visit

Regarding the Smartphone photography, i’m more looking at Accessories to enhance my current Iphone SE, I’m not yet ready for an upgrade.

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Hi @Karatrick ,

I would like to apologize that your last reply was caught by our spam filter which can be a little harsh at times. Please note that it is now live on Connect.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?.

By the way, the photos that you’ve shared are amazing!

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Thank you @JavieraAu

If it helps keep connect a safe and friendly place, i’m okay with a few hiccups :slight_smile:


Thank you for the kind words @Karatrick , I can highly recommend it, and please do not hesitate to ask me for ny advice regarding travelling to Denmark. I would be happy to help.

I see your list is already packed with amazing destinations.

Which place do you want to visit the most?

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I think Alaska is most exciting place i want to visit, but i will start by the nearest, I wanted to Visit Zanzibar for ages. @MortenSI

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Alaska looks gorgeous @Karatrick , I could see myself spending a whole day on the lakes up there.

Zanzibar is an absolute paradise and also on the top of my list, that’s for sure.

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Very nice @Karatrick , I like photos of birds.

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@MortenSI I will surely share a post about Zanzibar when i go there later this year. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @TheEagleEye They are such beautiful creatures.

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Amazing jog bro!

Buenas fotos! Me gustaron mucho!

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Thank you @Avraham_Jurado

Thank you for sharing, @Karatrick . The photos are truly mind-blowing. Do these live freely in the wild or in a resort?

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Thank you @IrrPavlova

These are Flee birds in the wild mostly in the national parks, In Rwanda people are discouraged to keep non domestic animals in their compounds, So people will return birds mostly cranes to the national parks to reintroduce them to their natural habitat, As you will see some have tags so that their formal owners can come back to visit and recognize them, Well… if they are lucky enough.

Great photos @Karatrick

I like your photos, all are looks beautiful.

Thank you @Karatrick , I can’t wait to read it!

Maybe it will convince me that it should also be my next destination.

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Hi @Karatrick , thanks for sharing the nice pics on birds. I like it very much, thanks once again.Go on contributing

Wish you all the best.

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