Roadside Trees in Tokyo
I was waiting at the bus stop for the #43 under a beautiful Maiden Hair Ginkgo tree in the middle of downtown Tokyo. Fascinating how the Japanese label and tag all of their major trees! Meticulous attention to detail is impressive indeed.
According to the metropolitan government, there are about 486, 000 roadside trees in Tokyo! As of April 2015, the number is at around 950,000 roadside trees. However, greater Tokyo has an estimated 1.5 million trees if you include parks and gardens. I repeat, just Tokyo, I am not counting trees in all of Japan. Moreover, there are over 70 different species of trees just talking Tokyo only.
Some of the most beautiful and relaxing urban designs make waiting on the bus a pleasure. Safe streets and orderly citizens are unlike anywhere in the world.
Everywhere is clean, neat, and orderly.