Road travel over the mountain


السلام عليكم @ahmedmetwally ,

And Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

Thanks for sharing photo of Beautiful mountains in Massawa

Is this your home town? Or you were there for a trip? And where you find this awesome view?

Share some more with us, so we can know more about this awesome place.

One more thing I have to share with you Ahmed, that For choosing topics for useful activities on Connect forum, this article Your Guide to Connect will be surely helpful for your future posts on Connect. Further you can check this feature also, 14 Useful tips for Using Connect will give you more ideas about your future posts. And do you know you can introduce yourself in Connect’s monthly feature Introduce Yourself June 2020 by this we can know some more about you and your interests.

Shukriya :pray:

ملاحظة إضافية: يمكنك ترجمة أي مشاركة أو أي رسالة باستخدام خيار الترجمة من Google ، فقط انقر فوق أعلى يمين في تحديد اللغة Select Language، حيث يمكنك العثور على أي لغة تريد ترجمة المنشور أو الرسالة بها

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Hello, how are you. No, not my city, but I was fortunate that I traveled there for a short time. The nature there is great.

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Wow that’s great @ahmedmetwally ,

Looking forward to see more great posts from you.

Between, you can tag me or anyone on Connect by typing @ before username, by this concern person can get notification by email and you can get response faster.

Wishing you best of luck :crossed_fingers:

Shukran :pray:


Hi @ahmedmetwally

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

It is a very nice place and beautiful, thank you for sharing this photo with us. Why don’t you share more details about this place and what activities can you do around? More information will be helpful to other Local Guides who want to find interesting places to visit in the area. Here is a great article that might inspire you: How to tell a story through your photography.

Since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit more about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce Yourself - June 2020. Also, you can read these 14 helpful tips for using Connect, and What are Connect topics?.

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