Road Mapping Correction

First of all I want to thank Google Maps for make available the road editing options. I am tried to correct some road name. But after that I am going back to check I saw Maps disagree with me but took my suggest name. What is wrong with that?

Maps Location: Garikhana Koborsthan Rd


Hello @Siam_Musa I checked your link but, I don’t quite understand the issue

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Hi @Siam_Musa

I often smile or laugh when I get email notification about an edit. It says denied (could not verify) and still the name was changed precisely as I suggested. So clearly the system is not foolproof.

Is that similar to what you experienced?



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Previously this road had no name, it is very known place to local, So I was trying to suggest the original name to google maps. But Maps says it couldn’t very. After that I am going to check it back twice and watch google actually took the name.

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