- Brackish water river is a river that is topped with a mixture of salt water (sea water) with fresh water, this river usually empties directly from the coast to the sea, off the river must be overgrown with mangrove plants which become a living paradise for many river biota and various types of fish, for example milkfish, white snapper and mullet and ideal places to stay for mangrove crabs. Brackish water rivers are characteristic of their calm water flow, and following the ebb and flow of sea water, if the tide then the flow of the river in my photo will disappear like its surface the beach with the waves, I took the photo when the sea water receded, the river flow was clear, hopefully my little review is useful … please correct me from friends in the Local Guides Connect … thank you … stay safe all
@AnikSetyawati beautiful view I love the sand along the river bed
Yes…@And12-X2 Does your country also have brackish water rivers?
Thanks for sharing @AnikSetyawati . Beautiful photo and the information.
Hi mbak @AnikSetyawati Terimakasih telah berbagi cerita serunya. Saya belum pernah sama sekali ke Kalimantan. Semoga kesampaian kesana
Your welcome @OSAMA_1 …stay safe and keep health…
Hi mbak@NunungAfuah…ayo mbak,semoga kesampaian ke Kalimantan,khususnya Kalimantan Timur,masih banyak tempat2 cantik yang belum terekspos disana…salam hangat dari saya
Hi Mba,
Salam kenal ya, bagus sekali pemandangannya. semoga bisa nanti bisa jalan2 ke Kalimantan. Pasti saat iini lebih maju lagi
Hi @Richmon salam kenal kembali…
Apakah pernah berkunjung ke kalimantan?
Iya sangat bagus dan maju dengan pesat
Hai @AnikSetyawati
Thank you for your fully insighted description about a river in Kalimantan.
Keep contribute on Google Maps and Connect.
Yes,i’m happy if can share about Kalimantan in here pak @BudiFXW
I have many stories of Kalimantan and i will share in connect
Thank you so much for your full support for me
Yes @AnikSetyawati .
Many things that you can share with us here on connect.
- Photographs of a unique scenery
- traditionalTatoos that habe been art of their cultural
- cultural
- traditional food
- traditional house
- hunting equipment
- traditional music.
Tons of story that you can share with us here on Connect.
Hai @AnikSetyawati
Thank you for your kind words and appreciation.
Hope in a couple of month you will reach 100 post and get a Zippy writer badge like what @PaDeSSo and @Nyainurjanah have reach.
I cross my finger for you.
Wish me luck pak @BudiFXW
Yes i know that mas @PaDeSSo and mbak @Nyainurjanah is a great person too like you pak
Thank you
Yes @AnikSetyawati .
I agree with you/
Both @PaDeSSo and @Nyainurjanah are inspirational.
I am very very lucky already meet them in personnal. Their post is motivating me to write a good post that can help other Local Guides.
I hope someday me,you pak @BudiFXW ,mas @PaDeSSo and mbak @Nyainurjanah can meet not only in virtual
Yap @AnikSetyawati .
Lets us meet at ConnectLive 2021.
Lets us prepared ourself to be selected applicant of Connect Live 2021.
Oh no…would you be my mentor pak @BudiFXW ?in connectlive 2020 i think i do mistake then Google not give me badge
Yes @AnikSetyawati .
No Problem just tag my IdConnect.I will help you,
You can do better by read my posts, there no secrets, everything can be find in my posts
If you sure and already receive an email or print out that your application is submitted befor the deadline.
You can ask a favour of mbak @NunungAfuah to check it out